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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 111847

Gf broke up with me because of my own issues with being mentally unstable…I've been talking to this person with the same illness I have and they make me so happy but they live an hour away…what do I do?? I feel so sad I was in the hospital for trying to attempt suicide but it didn't work…however the person I am talking to makes me feel amazing..like a brand new individual what am I supposed to do?? this isn't me asking for dating advice just a simple rant about my life

Anonymous 111863

I wish the people who make me feel happy lived only an hour away. Take advantage of your luck and visit each other. Be good friends and see what happens from there.

Anonymous 111902

Thanks anon..it’s been hard trying to get back with her…I love her but I’ve done horrible things i hope she lives her best life..I know she cares about me a lot she’s just tired but still…miss her lots…so I feel like loving others is wrong haha!!!

Anonymous 111909


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