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Im lonely Anonymous 111919

Im lonely, the only person I have is my mentally unstable long distance boyfriend who i do not love but who blackmails me to be with him. I am 18 and I graduate highschool in 2 months and have no clue what I am going to do
I feel like Im constantly grieving for who I was 3 years ago because even though I was bitterly lonely then, at least I had online friends to help me cope and wasnt trapped in a miserable relationship with a manchild. And at least then, I had some hope. I didnt need to have everything figured out, to have a job and a license. I had so much time
I know people will tell me its not over yet at 18 but it really feels over

Anonymous 111920

> I graduate highschool in 2 months
> I didnt need to have everything figured out, to have a job and a license.
Nona, this might sound strange, but you don't need to have your whole life figured out the moment you become 18 or when you graduate high school.
Society's a mess finding your place within it, is not that easy, it takes time.

Anonymous 111922

Ive heard this before and I know, but everything feels so difficult even getting up. Its between living at home which I hate and moving with my abusive LDR bf who I hate, because I dont have the capacity to live on my own
Generally I feel so apathetic and miserable, not having anything figured out is only the beginning

Anonymous 111925

What is he blackmailing you with? You know this wont't last forever anyways, blackmail him back or show him that you simply do not care.

Anonymous 111928

you're so young nona just dump him

Anonymous 111930

you're young enough that your life isn't fucked up yet, you still have a chance to fix things. i felt the same way before, you really need to learn how to break attachments and learn how to heal.
the world is harsh, keep going though :(

Anonymous 111931

goddamn you're literally me i'm in the exact same situation
i have a love-hate relationship with my insane boyfriend because without him i'd have fucking nobody but it also gives me a sinking feeling because he's 30 so he'll never fucking mature past his current state. we're good together right now because we have the same emotional age but… what happens when i mature and he's stuck with the mind of a teenager. sigh

Anonymous 111932

No one should have long distance relationships.
Just breakup with him and make some irl friends to hangout with.
Find any hobby that isn't sitting on the computer with other people
You may potentially meet other men this way. But if you focus on friends and stop being pathetic and are friendly towards then people will like you.

Anonymous 111933


you could try moving somewhere and finding roommates
i see a lot of women finding roommates on lex, you could make a post? or see if anyone nearby you has made a post (make sure it says afab-only though, that means no trannies)
its okay to take a couple years just working minimum-wage jobs and trying to figure out what you wanna do. i don't know what i'm gonna do with my life either but the only things that i get really passionate about are politics and languages so i'll probably work in one of those fields. so maybe just think about things that you get passionate about and then see if you enjoy studying them in community college.
as for your bf… don't directly break up with him. the best bet is to lie i think: its actually surprisingly easy to lie to moids. you can lie and say you're getting institutionalized due to a suicide attempt/psychotic break/something in character for you and therefore you won't be able talk to him anymore for some time. if thats too scary you could also just slowly slowly sabatoge the relationship until he breaks up with you on his own because he hates being with you. try being super super emotional and bpd, constantly yelling at him and accusing him of shit he hasn't done. you could even do both: get increasingly bpd and unhinged, and then lie about getting institutionalized.

Anonymous 111934

continuing from this post: the easiest thing to do would be to just slowly sever the relationship by being more distant. ripping the bandaid off slowly instead of quickly. this could lead to him dumping you for being unavailable, however this method is risky because he could realize that you're trying to leave him and then flip out

Anonymous 111935

>Toxic femininity
It's actually much better if you break up with him and then get a restraining order if he chimps out

Anonymous 111936

well he might have compromising nudes of her or some shit
i think its better to leave him clueless to the fact that he's just been dumped by either lying and ghosting him or making him leave her
because then he won't be angry at her for leaving

Anonymous 111937

Ghosting is far better than what you initially suggested
If she's "in a long distance relationship", she knows who the guy is… Hopefully. And so if he's blackmailing her and she has evidence, then actually he's the one in trouble because he could go to jail over that. Irrespective of what material it is.
If it's nudes or something and she's under 18 it's even worse for him because he would be 1) has material of some under the age of 18 on his computer, and if he sends it to people 2) sharing material of someone under the age of 18, not only will he be fined with the possibility of time, but he also will be on the sex offenders registry.

He has a lot more to worry about. She should be aware that him blackmailing her is already a criminal offence and the cops take that sort of shit seriously, especially for someone under 18.

Anonymous 111938

Worth mentioning that the false accusation of a crime is also a crime, where the punishment usually being minor.

Anonymous 111940

The definition of cp varies by country. In Germany he could have nudes of girls as young as 14. I know this because I have my own ldr manchild bf who has my nudes. Thankfully hes a lot nicer than this nonas bf.

Anonymous 111942

The age of consent is not the same as the age for underage photos.
For example, in Australia the age of consent is 16, however you still need to be over 18 years of age to share nudes around.
I'm surprised Germany isn't the same

Anonymous 111944


Anonymous 112022

Op, how old is your bf?
If you say "in his 20's" best believe its so over for him. OnG

Anonymous 113916

if you're anything like picrel then you deserve it lol

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