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Anonymous 112110

I made my boyfriend a playlist and he never listened to it. I checked his last fm just out of curiosity, and he never did. It’s been weeks. Perhaps I am overthinking it, but I’ve also never made a gesture like this before. I’ve never been the type to make a playlist for a man. So it hurts just a bit to have this gesture be seemingly forgotten. I wish there was a way to nudge at him to listen to it without revealing i skimmed his last fm to see if he had listened.

Anonymous 112111

"Hey babe what did you think of the playlist I made you?

Anonymous 112113

i did this over two weeks ago and he said he didn’t get to it yet but would. never did.

Anonymous 112115

what kinda songs were on it?

Anonymous 112117

if he loved you, he would have listened to it the moment you sent it to him.

Anonymous 112121

Post playlist so we can judge if it's worth listening to.

Anonymous 112126

cutie pie - all girl summer fun band
scott pilgrim - plumtree
absolutley cuckoo - the magnetic fields
i just do - go sailor
you’re so cool - colleen green
odd couple - weezer
heart 2 heart - lisa prank
ozma - shannon and the clams
baby i love you - the ramones
guy 4 me - peach kelli pop
perverted girl - happy birthday
through the day - hutch and kathy
when can i see you again? - kids on a crime spree
since you stole my heart - saturday looks good to me
your bed - cub
handpocket - best friends forever
think of you - bleached
hate everyone but you - habibi
if you could know - shannon and the clams
please be my third eye - la sera
make you mine - best coast
crazy one - rivers cuomo
baby - of montreal

Anonymous 112142

Is that the type of music he normally listens to?

Anonymous 112144

Sure it’s stuff we both like with maybe a couple things he isn’t familiar with sprinkled in

Anonymous 112164

Nona you're dating a gay man.

Anonymous 112170

No not at all. I think that’s a petty claim to make based on someone’s music taste alone. He is definitley heterosexual and very masculine. If you think the playlist is feminine maybe that’s you projecting love songs as an inherently feminine thing, but I assure you men can enjoy this kind of music without being gay.

Anonymous 112171

>I wish there was a way to nudge at him to listen to it without revealing i skimmed his last fm to see if he had listened.
"What did you think of (X song he doesn't know)?"

I don't think succesfully 'nudging' him to listen to the playlist adresses the underlying issue (if you can call it that) that he didn't bother listening to it in the first place though.

Anonymous 112184

Yeah I guess you’re right. I never made playlists as a romantic gesture before. I usually just make them for myself but wanted to try it out since this relationship is new. I know he’s made playlists for his ex gf so I thought it was something he’d respond well to.

Anonymous 112186

sounds like he really does not appreciate you then, especially if playlists are part of his love language

Anonymous 112196

We’ve only been seeing each other for a little over 3 months. Could it just take time for it to develop?

Anonymous 112199

I don't think you should jump to conclusions too fast over a single playlist. If he really doesn't appreciate you, there should be other clues/instances.

Anonymous 112203

three months isn't that long, maybe he just doesn't quite love you yet

Anonymous 112211

That’s what I think I could be overreacting because it’s just one thing, I just happened to be particularly sensitive about it I believe because it’s new to me.

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