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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Sometimes, I am happy, when I am grateful Anonymous 112192

and I am grateful, for all you nonas. You all make me feel less alone in life. Though we are separated by computer screens, our words flow through connecting us all. Let’s have a good week together, and look towards the future. Our numbers may be small but we know we are not alone in our experiences.

Anonymous 112193



Anonymous 112197

Anonymous 112310

I love all TERFs on this site <3 y'all are based as fuck

Anonymous 112316

luv u

Anonymous 112345


I hope everyone here has a great week and is safe wherever they are!
Cece will always welcome us home

Anonymous 112615


Nothing can stop me from having the best day ever

Anonymous 112638

three moods.jpg

I love you too Nona

Anonymous 112663

I'm glad we have each other here and on other boards, i always felt like i didn't belong anywhere until i found these places online

Anonymous 112664


sending love to you all, somehow this place makes things seem a little less lonely.

Anonymous 112685

I just wish the stupid raids would stop

Anonymous 112742

Me too, have to stop going on /b all together it's disgusting

Anonymous 112784

is there a way to stop it altogether though? I rarely see this shit on lc

Anonymous 113130

Have a good day today everybody. We can make it through.

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