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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


I Despise Reddit Moids Anonymous 112229

They are so incredibly obnoxious and annoying. I used to exclusively use female only subreddits to avoid interacting with them. Unfortunately that didn’t work because moids stalk every sub with a large concentration of women and hit on every female poster/commenter in sight by spamming their PMs. I really liked FAW sub but every time I comment there some male redditor, usually active in dozens of porn subreddits, would message me some coomer shit.

Anonymous 112230


lol reminded me of this. Also yes, reddit is just a porn site.

Anonymous 112234

This reminds me of when a redditor who was self-proclaimed “redpilled” called me terf scum. Misogyny is acceptable to these people but critiquing troons is apparently going too far.

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