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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 112546

This is my previous thread:

I finally came clean to him nonas, like you asked me to. He was shocked, and said more than angry he's sad and understands why I did what I did. That I've been through a lot of pain. He then insisted on me to show my real photo. I showed him slightly older one and told him so. My skin has gotten worse since picture was taken and I had gained some weight which I'm in process of losing. I told him all of that. He said my real self is attractive too and he wants to make this work. He said it will take him sometime to get used to this but he finds me attractive so he will. He said he will help me with skincare and sticking through weight loss journey.

All this still feels unreal. Maybe not all moids are bad. Maybe I'm being schizo but he could be playing with me (I am trying not to be too hopeful till we meet in person). I don't know what future holds but I am happy I came clean.

Thanks nonas. I love you all. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be able to push myself to come clean.

Anonymous 112548

Now take steps to take your relationship offline. Online relationships aren't sustainable and you've already been 'dating' for a year.

Anonymous 112553

I'm so happy he took it well!
I think my biggest advice to you is to focus on loving yourself now. It's cliche but I can speak from experience that if you don't love or respect yourself, you make the worst decisions for yourself. He loves you, you love him, now it's important to remember you

Anonymous 112557

good luck, I wish you two the best

Anonymous 112583

Congrats for being brave, I hope you can keep developing that trust and he is a man of his word.

Anonymous 112584

just apologize and never talk to him again. no one deserves to go through a relationship born from lies, it's a bad start.

Anonymous 112605

No, keep talking to him, op..ignore what she said. Your relationship isn't born from lies, you came clean so now it's born from genuineness and maybe vulnerability but a chance to do better. So take it and do better. He wants you to improve, let that be your motivation

Anonymous 112618

Saged, this doesn't deserve a new thread, just reply to your old one.

Anonymous 112639

Don't listen to the disgusting crabs in a bucket. I'm happy for you and hope that this is a start of something very beautiful for the two of you. You're deserving of someone who loves you for who you really are and can give you the companionship you need

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