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Nice Guys Anonymous 112773

"Nice" guys are always some of the most dangerous men out there. Yes yes violent criminals yadda yadda but we're talking average joe here, not convicts (though you see how some do end up in that category too). Most women aren't going to interact with a serial rapist, but they WILL likely bump elbows with or even befriend/date a "nice guy"

I always think of the quote from Nietzsche: "Hilarious are the weak who think they are virtuous because they have no claws."

It's not about remaining "pure and good" but about knowing what you'd do when you're tested. These men develop unchecked "benevolent sexism" or what I might call Misogyny of the Devotee (aka men who worship women as objects/idols but do not respect or see then as people). They all have a transactional attitude about things, probably in part because of absorbed masculine money-car-bitches culture where the right numbers mean you got it. They deal too much with the material and get stuck in it when they're denied the presence of women for whatever reasons. It's a shame, but karmas karma I guess. Cause and effect. They're left without and this unfettered sexism ferments beneath their doting, servile attitudes until it breaks on the edge of unmet expectations. Entitled, needy, predatory. Constant messaging like attrition warfare. Virtue signaling cutesy sweet hobbies or memes or clothes to read as "safe". They lie and are so unassumingly judgey/angry people. So scary. They buy women with their time in porn and with money paying for games/movies or more porn/streamers. They think this is how it should be with real women. Buy the upgraded skin pack to impress the lady. Complete the quest. Defend her against the dragon. Get your princess. Insufferable men. They masquerade as weak when they have an iron core of ego and superiority to compensate for a deeper emptiness.

Anyone here have any fucked up nice guy stories/experiences?

Anonymous 112783


Anonymous 112841

All relationships are transactional to begin with, you don't love someone unconditionally the moment you first meet. The problem with "nice guys" is they are naive, their view of women is based on anime, porn, internet echo chambers and "redpill" tweets and YT videos.

Anonymous 112975

One of the many, many, many problems with trying to learn anything about human sexuality through survey responses from men:
the average serial rapist is unreported, unimprisoned, unburdened by conscience and unperturbed. Any and every man whose partner and hookup count exceeds oh let's be extremely generous and say 100 has probably committed multiple forceful rapes, with a mental litany of excuses he uses to pave over any personal doubts or questions. Harvey Weinstein personally regards everything he did to every woman he did it to as entirely consensual. And all the millionaires who visited the Epstein island likewise. College athletes are notorious serial rapists specifically because a lifetime supply of enthusiastic consent gives them ample mental wallpaper to cover any cracks or doubts or concerns.

So yes, a large number of those men's sexual encounters and thus measure of "sexual success" can be attributed to their misogynistic attitutes. Because the misogynistic attitudes that misogyny indexes are generally concerned with are those which give them mental and social and emotional permission to rape freely and forcefully.

Nobody really thinks that every variety or kind of misogyny needs to necessarily be the kind that leads to rape. But the kind of misogyny that leads to rape is the kind that oh let's say law enforcement profiling instruments will target. Nobody is anywhere near as concerned with developing a sophisticated and accurate instrument for measuring misogynistic attitudes that do not lead to rape. Because there's a rape epidemic worldwide, and in many countries a rising tide of deliberate femicide. Because if some male's misogyny only hurts him, then that isn't a problem for anyone who matters. Not even therapy, since obviously if therapy were concerned with that then there would already be a relevant therapeutic instrument.

So it is very easily possible for an incel who is a flat 0 on the specific misogynistic processes that lead to rape to be more genuinely misogynistic than a normal average guy who is 50% of the way to true rapist mentality. Neither of them have raped anyone and neither of them will rape anyone but the incel will be not raping anyone while committing a femicidal killing spree whereas the normal man will be not raping anyone while engaging in consensual nonconsent play with his many satisfied sexual partners.

Anonymous 113702

Their view of women is based on their mom's telling them women are these pretty things they have to be nice to, that's why they feel betrayed when being nice to women doesn't work out.

Anonymous 113712

Relationships may be "transactional" but not in the Niceguyâ„¢ way of expecting an exchange of goods and services. The fundamental problem with "nice" guys is that they misunderstand the social principle that relationships are about investments and gambling, not immediate exchanges of value. You can go out of your way to be nice to people for example, but this doesn't mean you're entitled to sex.
This is why "nice" guys all act like rapists.

Anonymous 113713

The study doesnt just attribute this to "men with few body counts" but specifically to virgin men

Anonymous 113715

Your point?

Anonymous 113716


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