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telling my boyfriend i love him for the first time Anonymous 112824

i think i am ready to tell my boyfriend i love him for the first time, any advice for doing it? i’m kind of nervous about it. i’ve only had one other boyfriend who said it to me first and i said it back out of nice-ness even though i hadn’t truly felt it yet. i also want to make sure it is special and meaningful for both of us. any advice appreciated!

Anonymous 112826

idk my bf said it first and I said it back and it was true. It happened when we were having a talk about serious emotional stuff. But every couple is different and I don't really think you can say it in a wrong way.

Anonymous 113003

My best advice is to just let it happen, as likely, you're going to say it when you least expect it. When my boyfriend said it to me for the first time, it caught me totally off guard, but I felt the same way. It was over the smallest thing– literally me offering him a box of samoas girlscout cookies, and I think of that moment incredibly fondly. It can be scary being that vulnerable with another person, but I'm with nona here >>112826, there's no wrong way to say it, and no matter what, it's going to be meaningful– it's you expressing your love for him, what could be more special than that?

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