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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 112991

I don't think I want to die, I kind of just think I wanna sleep forever. I don't know. I used to be stable and sane and that has gone out the window.

Anonymous 112992

I can relate. I am hoping I can get really really sick so I can sleep as much as I want.

Anonymous 112995

I just wish I never existed. I know some of my family would be devastated if I were sick or dead, but I just wish I never had to exist to begin with.

Anonymous 113031

I feel you . Sometimes no matter what circumstances you have to push forward, I hate life so much. But I don't want to die yet at least before my abusers get vengeance.

Anonymous 113037

I understand your rationale. I am trying to get back up from a very bad place and life often feels banal. My physical health feels downtrodden and yet my scans have come back clean. I can't imagine it's just my mental health at play and keep anticipating something awful will land me in a coma or kill me but it never does. strange existence

Anonymous 113038

I hope they are able to find what is physically wrong with you. It's hard having chronic illness when ur a woman, even moreso when you don't know what the illness is

Anonymous 113040

I figure it's just that I'm adjusting to my psych meds, but something feels wrong with my digestive system or gut even across multiple meds. It's better than it was under the previous med which completely ruined my digestion but I'm still having a lot of terrible gas and stomach cramping. My scans for almost everything including Pap smear came back clean, the doctor just said my kidney was dry blood test wise which indicated maybe dehydration as I got my blood drawn early in the morning. I don't know if that could be a harbinger of something worse I just feel like my gut and stomach health is gradually worsening with no real explanation for it. It's bad because it hinders me from both enjoying food like I used to and functioning on a base level.

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