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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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pfp but hallucinat…

getting over him process thread Anonymous 113202

day 1:
Im gonna kill myself

Anonymous 113213

no you're not.
we're all gonna make it. c:

Anonymous 113215


No. Huge cat attack!!

Anonymous 113313

There's this book called "It's not you: 27 (wrong) reasons you're single" - it's pretty soothing when it comes to dealing with a lot of "why did this happen to me?" thoughts.

Anonymous 113319

he's a pornsick useless shithead literally why do you care

Anonymous 113466


I would pay someone to come to my house every morning, firmly hold me by the shoulders, look me in the eyes, and give me a mini peptalk like this.

Anonymous 113473

day 319:
Was doing fine, now crying, because I just found out he's still in love with me and broke up because he didn't want to hold me back from with a LDR.

Anonymous 113483


Day 131
I would've bled out if you told me, you liked the color red. You were everything I wanted in a person, you were just healthy, I wasn't. I'm sorry I hurt you. My biggest regret was not being there for you, when you needed me the most and how I never got chance to say, I'm sorry.

Anonymous 113484

Men never feel this way it's always women sacrificing themselves, protecting men and kneeling to them

Anonymous 113506

>cherrypicked bullshit

Anonymous 113513

it's cherry picked and looks like a muslim country and a lot of those women didn't even get to marry out of love since it was an arranged marriage

Anonymous 113530

Anonymous 113531

day 1919:

Sometimes I forget you were even there. Other times I frantically search for updates on you. Everyone has moved on and I don’t miss our relationship but I’m nostalgic for the pain of being with you.

Anonymous 113565


Anonymous 113569

not OP but I found this book incredibly comforting.
how did you find this out? if someone's actually in love with you they won't break up with you (or if they do they'll take it back shortly after) - it's fairly straightforward. everything else is a line.
I get this. My worst relationship, which was also my first one, ended 3 years ago. Not at all in love with my ex and he's sort of the baseline against which I measure if I don't want to date someone (since I had another partner after him who was much better and is the baseline for what I do want) but there's this weird hole the first one left in my solar plexus that aches whenever the weather changes and certain kinds of music come on. It's pretty weird. I like stalking him sometimes online, but he's incredibly boring. He just isolated and has acted like a total schizoid ever since. afaik he's unemployed now, which makes me quite happy, since his job/money was all he had and he'd always pick it over me. I'd be happier if I had a new bf though.

Anonymous 113680

Day 117: im starting to realize that learning how to cope with loss is a very difficult but positive thing

Anonymous 113686

1 year later: I don't care anymore but I also think back at those moments with nostalgia although it's not been too much time

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