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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


It was over for me since then Anonymous 113282

Since the day I learned that male butterflies rape the female ones before they even emerge from the cocoon. Not only rape but pedophila. I thought butterflies were a proof that nature is cute

Anonymous 113283


Anonymous 113285

The insect world isn't the best place to look for the beauty of nature…

I think it was some parasitic wasps that convinced Charles Darwin that there was no God.

Anonymous 113286

Wait… this was from a book I read in like 7th grade, I think it's called lips can touch 3 times?

Anonymous 113288

>"I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars." - Charles Darwin


Anonymous 113289


The only good animals are tropical birds. Look at the cool little displays they build!

Anonymous 113290

Anonymous 113291

This made me think.. When a straight woman says she's disgusted with submission like straight sex acts then humans are sadists and of course like to taunt her with it and wanna see her break and submit. Rape = initiation into femininity. Unfortunately humans yes including women don't hide the fact that they see nothing wrong with rape at all as much as they do and subconsciously they seem to adhere to biological gender "roles" if mentally woman is not into submission then she can't have straight sex cause she would see it as terrorizing. Humans love to taunt others with rape and fantasise about putting women in their place that's why I regret posting this fact cause moids mind find it pleasing

Anonymous 113292

Sorry I have fear of rape esp it being a part of womanhood. I wouldn't even date a moid cause its like accepting rape

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