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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 113390

Today I met my internet friend irl and we ate fast food. I couldn't say a word that he could hear due to my voice being too quiet, he told me that I was very shaking and I had odd mannerism and that I was more "autistic" than he thought. And that I was damn shy. How I could be more normal?

Anonymous 113391

exposure therapy + theater. Do things like going to the store, but be in character. The character can be like an extroverted version of you or a completely different person if that makes it easier. just dont break character.
Then up the difficulty. Go to see people while in character, or sign up for a class and talk to your classmates in character. the more you use the persona the easier it will be to keep it up.
Wear what the persona would wear, do hobies the persona would do etc

Anonymous 113394

Your 'friend' sounds like an ass. You don't tell your friend she's too quiet or has odd mannerisms or that she's too autistic, especially not that blatantly and after only 1 meet up. You sure your friend is a friend?

Anonymous 113395

Your friend could be more normal too, if you don't hear someone you politely ask them to repeat, get a bit closer, etc.

As for yourself? Try deliberately talking louder in front of a mirror, modulating your voice so if you're told you're too quiet you know how to make it that bit louder. The rest is very vague but the shaking is kinda normal, my legs shake when I'm nervous

Anonymous 113396

Why are you friends with a moid?

Anonymous 113411

He sounds like an asshole, especially if he is your friend. Go to speech therapy it will help a lot.
fuck off.

Anonymous 113414

I wouldn't worry too much. Most people meeting internet friends is awkward and you're probably more anxious than usual

Anonymous 113422

>I was more "autistic" than he thought.

Anonymous 113423

Thank you :D

Ah this may sound very harsh but it's usually how we talk on text. Not like this but he is kinda making fun because I said I will be normal and then I wasn't in his pov :D

Yeah lol. Thank you :D

I wasn't planning to be friends with him but we just become. I don't have other friends so if I am not his friend then I have no one other than my mom. He also accept my flaws which would drive most people away.

It's okay I don't mind lol and thanks.

Yeah I am not usually this bad idk why that happened but I am very shy and quiet normally too o.O

Anonymous 113448

Practice. Do it more often, get used to it until you're doing it like a fish is swimming.

Anonymous 113568

don't be autistic nona she's obviously hoping to traverse the friends -> lovers pipeline. it's the only romantic way to meet someone

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