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Consequences of actions Anonymous 113496

So when I was 19 this old man raped me and purposefully gave me a lifelong sti. It’s called ‘gift-giving’ and the most fcked up thing I’ve come across. This man David happens to be a Singaporean billionaire I believe in the hotel business with his sister. What makes this even more sketchy is the fact that he goes by two names I think. Peter and David? Nothing about him on the web. 1 photo. His friend was there and he was staying at the como hotel so pretty sure he’s got something to do with that. Now I’m 27 now and I want fckin justice. It’s actually more than just the rape and sexual assault. It’s the fact that these ultra-wealthy people think that they can just do as they please?! I just messaged him and he is saying that he’s going to sue me for defamation of character lol like I have nothing to sue. He also got off on the fact that I was covered in self harm scars and the fact that my father had raped me whilst growing up. Are men just not the most repulsive species?! I just honestly want no one coming near me ever again I think they are fucking vile the lot of them. Also I can’t be the only girl that this has happened to. He showed me all these girls he was talking to on his phone. I just hate men I can’t explain how vile I find them. So I’m going to report him to the Singapore police department because honestly I’ve had enough of men thinking they can do as they please with no fking consequences. I’m not from Singapore btw I’m from the uk but going to file a report online. These ultra-wealthy people think that they are untouchable it’s a joke. Probs got a whole legal team but I don’t give a shit like bring it bitch

Anonymous 113585

I hope something somehow comes of it. I’m sorry everything is so evil.

Anonymous 114945

Post pictures of him, it might help us identify him? Any idea what hotels he owns?

Anonymous 114966

Holy shit take your meds sister

Anonymous 114971

I'm sorry this happened to you but idk if the police will do anything about it, probably not.

Anonymous 114972

any rich scrote who leaves women with STDs knowing he has them deserves to be executed, especially if they're incurable. non disclosure is another form of non consent and basically sexual assault, fuck any man who goes raw knowing he has stds

Anonymous 114973

any rich scrote who leaves women with STDs knowing he has them deserves to be executed, especially if they're incurable. non disclosure is another form of non consent and basically sexual assault, fuck any man who goes raw knowing he has stds

Anonymous 114974

Burn him to the ground op.

Anonymous 115057

The Singaporean police are not going to do anything to help you, especially if he is a billionaire.

Anonymous 115280

Get yourself checked/treated for parasites. The moment you have sex with a man who is infected with parasites is the moment it spreads to you. They are not an incurable virus as the medical industry would tell you, they are parasites that spread from host to host. Ultra rich billionaires are almost always infected/controlled by parasites. Avoid billionaires at all cost, even if the money they have is tempting. If your doctor refuses to test you or even falsifies the results as per obeying the WHOs commands, find a way to get a full parasite cleanse kit. These are very difficult to find real versions of, just don't get any from big megacorporations like amazon for example.

Anonymous 115357


Is it this dude by any chance?

Anonymous 115416


Thanks for the support guys the whole thing has been really isolating :( I’m pretty sure it was this guy. Fuck all information about him on the internet though

Anonymous 115417

I’m pretty sure it was something to do with the como hotels. There was another guy there who was his ‘friend’ with another girl and he was staying there. The whole thing was so fked up they were both sort of taking turns with her too. I know he had just got divorced as he was whining about how hiis wife got the house in London I think

Anonymous 115418

Also he has like 5 dogs or something insane and was showing me vids of him horse riding. I wish I could go back in time and just have stayed in bed. Meeting this man was my biggest regret. The amount of emotional distress this man has caused me, let alone the physical. I really hope he dies soon so I can be left alone. Funny you say about the parasite thing I’ve had some wild pain in my lower right had side for the longest time. Think you are right about the police I was thinking more TikTok or Twitter, also because I want to find the other girls this has happened too

Anonymous 115449

There's gotta be at least pro-bono lawyer who wants to take on a billionaire.

Anonymous 115481

There is no justice in this world.
You are right in thinking these kind of people should be punished for their actions, but if you believe the only way to obtain peace is to see his justice served, you'll NEVER be satisfied. Even if he were to die tomorrow, he will keep haunting you.
I advise you let it go. The only true Justice is in Kindom Come. Otherwise you're only setting you up for a lifetime of unresolved resentment.
If you really want to see things change and protect other women from such abuse, you should join a feminist activist movements. This probably won't solve your problem, but you may protect other potential victims like you.

Anonymous 115507


I wish that were the case, but all the expensive lawyers are too busy representing the abuser types

key example Lisa Bloom. She was double teaming between "helping" women and defending Harvey Weinstein. Even female lawyers will bend to rich men's whims for a paycheck.

I'm tired of this fucking world

Anonymous 115948

A lifetime of resentment seems like a rational response to this situation

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