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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 113508

A woman I know at work was casually telling the story of how she was raped on her 21st birthday and got pregnant and is still with the guy and had multiple kids. With him. Should I convince her to leave her shitty life ruining husband? Is there any way to?

Anonymous 113511

To be honest Nona, people have probably told her to leave dozens of times.
The only person who convince her to leave her husband is herself.
Maybe this is a shitty take but, you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

Anonymous 113512

at this point she's finished and definitely not going to leave him. i feel even worse for her kids

Anonymous 113525

Did she say rape or are you parsing rape

Anonymous 113526

He got her drunk and knocked her up. I don’t know any other way to describe it.

Anonymous 113528

I appreciate your concern, nona.
But to be honest, if you push too hard, the situation could become dangerous for you. You have no way of knowing if this moid might decide to harm you for trying to advise his wife.
Unfortunately we can't save everyone.
My advice is this: if she brings up the subject with you, and asks you for advice, you can be honest, but other than that, you should avoid the situation. Please stay safe.

Anonymous 113547

How is the situation between them today?

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