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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 113520

How to stop seeking for moids attention?
I was a very ugly and insecure teen, and this led me to create complexes about my appearance and personality.
I feel a little better now.
The problem is that I still have this urge to receive male attention and validation, even though I'm in a good relationship now.
That includes toxic habits like following my ex on social media just to try to show him that I'm better now (I feel really bad about that tho)

Anonymous 113523

What kind of helped me is thinking about it like this: Moids don't go after the most attractive girls but after the girls they feel might respond to their attempts (while still being "attractive enough" ofc). But it's kind of a vibe thing, when you are desperate for male attention you will get it but it only attracts desperate moids, which might sound irrelevant to you because you're in a relationship anyway but getting attention out of desperate males after you're trying to make them notice you is not really something that increases your "value".
You should try to work on you're self worth, ideally it should come from within. And please unfollow your ex. It's over with him, the two of you are never going to be a thing again. His feelings about that fact are irrelevant. Even if he did regret not being with you anymore, it'd feel good for a tiny amount of time and nothing more. There's nothing you could really do with that information. Focus on your current relationship and more than anything yourself instead, you deserve better than obsessing over moids after years of insecurity.

Anonymous 113559

Thank you very much, nona.
You have no idea how much you helped me.
I did what you said and also decided to spend some time away from social media too, I think that these networks can feed very negative aspects of our personality when we are not feeling fine.

Anonymous 113563


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