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are you guys afraid of aging societies? (vent kinda) Anonymous 113529

i never really understood why people are so concerned with the concept of societies getting older.
in my opinion, i think people conflate their fear of stagnation and resource depletion with their fear of a society's population base getting older. additionally, people probably tend to over romanticize their youth because it's more clear what the goal is when you're young: finishing your education and obtaining security, namely through getting a career and living situation.
but if everyone lived their life in that manner, we would eventually come to a point where there's not enough resources to secure. like affordable housing and water, for example.
i think people should start reframing their mindset of what life post education should look like. once you've obtained some level of "security," you should also start being concerned with securing resources for future generations, so that life on earth may sustain itself. things like asteroid mining and ecological research (people should be more into gardening kek) could contribute to that. that's probably why games like minecraft and stardew valley are so fun–resource accumulation is fun, and it's hard not to be increasingly concerned with the long-term sustainability of our way of life. lakes receding, droughts becoming more common, wildlife disappearing… things like that are honestly more scary to me than society getting "older."
i don't really know why i felt compelled to post this. do you guys feel similarly? i went on a ramble but i just meant about the world getting older in general. and what the purpose of life should be once you're out of school i guess

Anonymous 113533

It does feel like as societies we're extremely complacent now. Liberal democracies are the palliative care of civilisation, they're just concerned with making everyone comfortable enough to have enough surplus income to buy consumer goods. We're just stuck in a rut, on a civilisation scale, we have all these problems and we claim we're working to solve them but we're hampered at every turn by politicians who want nothing more than to pad their pension out as much as possible. In a higher-minded society with goals and ambition it would be intolerable but we've slumped down into this collective state of resignation. And when society is that way it's difficult to not be that way as a person.

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