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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 113576

I was kind of harassed at work twice today
>One guy was really pushy and basically insinuated that if he ordered room service I’d come to his room and we’d have sex. He tried to get me to let him come home with me.
>another guy called on the phone and basically said that whenever he hears Hampton inn and suites he gets wet and asked if I was wet. Then he knew like when I was getting off of work.
Am I just so ugly that men think they can talk to me like this? That like I’ll just bite at any chance for a man to touch me? If so I’m gonna kms

Anonymous 113592

>he gets wet

Anonymous 113649

I think it's just the hotel setting that does this. Too many memes that link hotels to sex.

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