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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 113684

i miss my bf who isnt my bf. technically we broke up long time back but i just cant seem 2 move on. i miss him evryday. hes so nice 2 me which im thankful for but every time i talk 2 him it feels like im so close to him yet so far away…. i miss the way things used to be. they r v good even now but its just not the same yk. when he hangs out w his other friends it makes me think how hes gonna forget abt me soon. he hasnt yet even tho its been so long so i doubt it. but god why cant i just be with him . hes the only 1 i want. i love him sm. everyday while sleeping i pretend that hes hugging me just how he did when we were dating. everyday i talk 2 him in my head cuz i dont wanna overdo things irl and burden him alot. in my head we r still together but i can nvr let him know that. loving from a distance is hard.

Anonymous 113688

You write like a retard.

Anonymous 113689

idk that feel

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