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I hate the “evolutionary explanation” for homosexuality. Anonymous 113784

Around when there was a big cultural push for gay normalization in the mid/late 00s, to pair with the “born this way” idea, this trash sprung up. That gay people exist just to supply resources and parenting to the other siblings. I hate it. For one, it’s only ever brought up with respect to males even though I have literally never heard of any gay males helping any of their siblings in any manner whatsoever. The richest gay men on earth generally have distanced themselves from their “loser” siblings. It’s only even plausible with lesbians. And in that case, it’s not some instinctive evolutionary drive to help. It’s literally beaten into every XX with an XY sibling since birth that they don’t matter and should fawn to and help the scrote at all times. If lesbians are more helpful to their siblings, it’s only because being a “dead end” makes their parents push them into being sacrificial meat for the grinder to help the others.

The spread of this stupid lie doesn’t affect gay males since they’re basically psychopaths; their reaction is to pat themselves on the back and say “yeah I’m helping” while not doing anything but get AIDS and be a burden or terror to their family.

It only affects XXs, who have souls and internalize that shit in a way that affects their behavior. The idea that my only purpose in life was to drag my brother far enough into adulthood to breed is disgusting and nightmarish on an existential level. Especially since the implication is then that as soon as they stop providing resources to the other siblings they are worthless. Unlike gay men where being XY means they have inherent value.

Humanity is so evil that I don’t know what to do with myself.

Anonymous 113785

I don't know where in the world you're from, but it sounds like you have some self searching to do if you randomly obsess over gay shit like this.

Anonymous 113786

What I hate even more is them playing the victim card with AIDS. The way it's reported, like this image of gay men who died of AIDS, you'd think it's because of homophobia. No, it's because gay men had vast, unprotected orgies so often and frequently they are responsible for virtually all AIDS case. Imagine 1% of the population being such a disgusting mess they are responsible for virtually all STDs. But no, it's society's homophobia that killed them.

Anonymous 113787

yeah this feels like a weird post
i really could not care less about gay men

Anonymous 113788

The post isn’t even about gay men per se.
It’s about yet another “evolutionary psychology” lie that does nothing but further enslave females.

Anonymous 113789

girl what

Anonymous 113803

They’re the only scrotes who aren’t intrinsically motivated to prey upon women so I don’t see the issue.

Anonymous 113807

They benefit from women in other ways, with fashion industry, cosmetology, and gossip.

Anonymous 113866

So real for saying this. I thought something similar but hadn't put it into words.

Anonymous 113886

They don't prey upon us but are still obsessed with us, weird

Anonymous 113887

Yeah I've seen homosexual men who outright hate women. It's weird.I wonder if it's a competitive mindset or a prison gay incel thing.

Anonymous 113889

They will call their friends so they can come rape you while you’re passed out on pills. They don’t have to personally rape you to be evil. Plus why would you tolerate a man who doesn’t even eat pussy? Men don’t know friendship anyway

Anonymous 113917

Competitive mindset for sure and a lot of jealousy.

Anonymous 113919

I hate the "gay pheromone" gay dudes give off. It's like such a wretched and nasty smell. Anyone know what I'm talking about? It makes me completely disgusted with gay dudes.

Anonymous 113920

Anyone else noticing how quite a lot of gays try to "turn straight men gay" too? I don't mind them getting the men because no way a man they manage to "turn gay" was straight in the first place (and it's not like men are a limited resource anyway) but it just shows how little self respect they have. They can't accept an individual not wanting them, they won't go on with their lives looking for someone who actually values them and accepts them and themselves as who they are. Instead they want someone they technically couldn't have and convince him to want them. It just screams no self-respect to me

Anonymous 113922

I think it is more of forbidden fruit type of thing. Some straight men aren't very different from gays and often fantasize about turning lesbians (or just sexually unavailable for men women in general) straight.

Anonymous 113925

The gays who try to do that turn into trannies. Read about Blanchard Transsexual Typology: Homosexuals Transsexuals are literally gay men who transition to date straight guys. Also, studies have found that trannies are high on narcissism

Anonymous 113943

They hate us because they know even the ugliest woman gets more attention from men than the average gay moid

Anonymous 113979


i agree that men are not ensouled, the problem however lies in men and their inherent degeneracy and not specifically the homo population
if straight men were able to have all the unrestrained sex they want whenever they wanted the human race would already die out due to STDs by now
its a XY chromosome problem not a faggot problem… leave my sinful gays alone, they're my fetish

Anonymous 113985

This, they wish they were us it's why hsts are a thing

Anonymous 113990

>if straight men were able to have all the unrestrained sex they want whenever they wanted the human race would already die out due to STDs by now

STD rates are literally skyrocketing in straight women right now, but not straight men.
I think you might be projecting there.

Anonymous 113996

honey i'm not straight, i just like 2D males
also if that's true where exactly would those straight women be getting their STDs from? you sound like a faggot moid

Anonymous 113998

>if straight men were able to have all the unrestrained sex they want
this doesn't argue against her point though does it? men with unlimited access to sex (gay males, alpha males) always have higher std rates than women who have unlimited access by default. so if men had sex whenever they wanted, its natural to see how std rates would spike x100 higher. trying to say otherwise is cope against male sexuality.

but even if we're talking about the population at large, straight incels wouldn't count as men since they're barely humans to begin with.

Anonymous 113999

slow damagee.jpg

Anonymous 114004

Anonymous 115445


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