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I realized I can't stand (almost) anybody Anonymous 113863

So I went to a weekend trip with my good friends I've known for years and I spend a lot of time with.
After a whole day with them I realized, I was fed up being with them. I like being with them with moderate amout of time, but after some point, I became really uncomfortable. They were just babbling, making stupid noise and laughing at idk what all time time. I just wanted to tell them to shut the fuck up for at least a while.
In the middle of night, I was really tired. We had one big bedroom and I'm very light sleeper. Another friend was already sleeping and we agreed to go to sleep, however other 2 stayed awake and keep gigling and talking loud even in the dark. It must've been around 2-3 pm. I was desperate and shouted on them to stop being so thoughtless when other people sleep. They immediately stoped and fell asleep. I've to say that they are good friends and always help when I'm in need. We are young and they want to have fun.

After this experience, I've realized the thing, I've writte above - I can't stand other people for longer period of time. The only one with whom I am comfortable is my bf - I don't know why. But everybody other, all my friends, family, everybody, just become pain in the ass soon or later. I'm a little bit in a shock. I've never had many friends and never knew why. Many of my relationships were quite shallow and I've never made a big group of firends unlike others. I think this is the reason why - I'm intolerant to other people. I always become irritated, tired and bothered of them. And I'm sad about it. Deep down, I've always wanted to be funny and popular, yet I don't even have any plans for summer, because nobody wants to be with me, becuase they probably feel it and I'm not even surprised.

Anonymous 113890

You sound like such an annoying bitch and a horrible friend.

Anonymous 114001

Take a look at your own insecurities and worldview. If you hate everyone even though they didn't do anything to you you're probably more unsatisfied with yourself than anything. Maybe choose your friends more wisely instead of building a relationship with everyone who'll give you the time of day, people you have something in common with like having the same sense of humor, similar life struggles etc.

Anonymous 114006

Lol nona I think I know what you mean. I've come to this realization at one point too (minus the bf part). I don't think this means that you aren't meant to have good friends or that you won't ever find people you're comfortable with. I just wonder if you might need a little more space and alone time? I find myself becoming very irritated with people after spending large amounts of time with them and I think that's just my subconscious telling me that I'm tired and need to be alone for a while. You don't need a big group of friends to have meaningful relationships. And being good friends with someone doesn't mean you have to enjoy being around them 24/7. It's natural that even if you really like someone that you might not have the energy to be around them all the time. The more I embraced the fact that I'm someone who needs a lot of time to be on my own, the more natural my friendships felt and I found myself being irritated with people less.

Anonymous 114008

I just can't stand people all together.

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