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I have a crush on a streamer Anonymous 113876

He’s a small streamer and really mature for a twitch person. He has a sweet, gentle, deep voice, and plays a lot of old school games that I like. He’s also just really nice and pretty handsome but he rarely does face cam. I don’t know if he likes me back, but he seems to notice me and often plays games I suggest to him. I also opened up in his discord server about bad experiences I’ve had with guys and afterward he coincidentally did a fundraiser stream for a charity that helps abuse survivors, so he clearly pays attention to me and is a kind person. I figured out that he surprisingly lives near me too and is gonna be at a convention this year. I wish I could make a move on him but he’s like, probably a responsible type who wouldn’t date his subscribers. I don’t know what to do, my heart is throbbing for this nerd.

Anonymous 113880

I have seduced people like that before, but I would sincerely advise against dating streamer men, for many of the same reasons why men should avoid dating women who stream. If you can get parasocially attached to a streamer, so can their other fans. It can make relationships very rocky and messy, and popularity surprisingly only has a small effect on it. I have seen messier small streamer situations than moderate to large streamers who know how to better manage their communities and separate fans from friends and loved ones.

That said, it's up to you to decide if he is actually worth it and you want to try to charm him and make him yours. It's doable but I don't know if you should really go off of your infatuation rather than the logic of if you and him make sense, what's his baggage, etc.

Proceed with caution if you want to proceed, is what I'm saying.

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