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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 113946

my wife didn't have sex with me last night.
I feel really horny, angry, and depressed.
how can I motivate her to leave work and come home and fuck me. right now.

Anonymous 113955

I don't know why I feel so nostalgic for 2014, I was miserable back then. I remember downloading the lego movie and watching it alone in the basement and avoiding my mom because I thought she was mean. I was so wrong, I love my mom and she just wanted the best for me. Now I feel so forlorn for the last 10 years that are now lost to time, wasted because I thought things would be the same forever.

Anonymous 113956


>The lego movie is a decade old

Anonymous 113959

In my senior year at high school we had a unit on dystopian fiction and I wrote an essay comparing the Lego movie with 1984 and BNW. Very good movie, sadly my teacher did not agree :(

I only got a B+

Anonymous 114003

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