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So sad it's too late and that in a way, it was maybe always impossible Anonymous 114018

to find a nerdy self destructive incel type guy who somehow magically isn't actually a raging misogynist (or at least isn't a threat to you) and into hentai or any other degen shit (besides femdom eventually), and make him fully obsessed about you, dependent on you, hard the moment you touch him, etc… I'm already way too old for that shit anyways but recent memories have me pondering and longing.

picrel only to me, but that is my shame to carry…

Anonymous 114019

Guys like this are all over university campuses. They're unlikely to go out of their way to talk to you though (hence why they're incels), so you need to make it obvious you're interested in them (while keeping a dominant frame and not seeming easy).

Maybe go to some kind of local university conferences/events or something? Make the move on any young guy that suits your fancy. Something like 1/3 of young men have never had sex, so I doubt you'll be getting many rejections (unless they're already dating someone). I met a submissive 30yo guy at a BDSM munch who is dating a dominant 60+ woman with grey hair. This kind of shit happens.

What's the story behind the pic? Why is it your shame to carry?

Anonymous 114021

Incels these days are way too obsessed with looks, genderwars etc and they aren't wholesome at all. A guy like that could never be happy about the fact he got a gf and he'd be the first one to leave her for a 10/10 or any woman who ranks higher than his gf if he had the chance to, as it somehow makes his low self worth grow. No man who's secure in himself would actually give that many shits about his partner's looks because he's able to recognize true love and companionship. A real man doesn't have to rely on a pretty partner to boost his confidence in the game against other man as he has enough going on for himself and is way less superficial when it comes to love.
But sometimes I still pity incels. It only makes sense for them to be more obsessed with beauty in women, seen that it is rare for them to get attention from beautiful women. Any man who's used to it will value your character and what's beneath the surface 1000x more. An incel will always go after the "best" he can get, which in his twisted mindset isn't the person he feels real love towards but the best looking woman he can get his hands on. Even if he looks worse than his partner, he will still seek the very best he can get.
That's why the fantasy of the cute nerdy bf who only has eyes for you and who loves you for more than just your looks, just like you love him for more than his is just a dream - a dream that can never become reality. At this point I'd rather just die alone than date an incel. Not to say that other moids don't care about looks (I'm not that delusional), but I used to try and give incels a chance and they were the shallowest people ever. I've had way more pleasant experiences talking to normal guys or just by staying on my own really. Which is kind of a pity because younger me really thought she would get herself a cute nerdy non-bitter incel type bf until she realized non-bitter incels don't exist. But luckily me now is happy that she's doing very well on her own.

Anonymous 114022

femdom isn't degenerate
maledom is degenerate
Anyways, it's not too late. You can just date younger guys.

Anonymous 114024

I'm already out of university, nona, and I did a certain type of studies that only has women and gay moids. And now I would feel weird going at that kind of event but maybe… picrel is martin shkreli kek, the guy who hiked up prices for a live saving drug by 5k%%.

I know, that's why I'm sad… Title has a typo/lapsus, i meant to say "never" instead of "always". I know they're the way you described but I wish they weren't really.

if he's into the kind of femdom I am into, he's at least a little degen

Anonymous 114027

literally the only type of guy I've ever been able to fall in love with is this archetype of guy but they're invariably avoidant and avoidants are utterly pointless and insufferable to date (or maybe even in general). it's pretty tragic. I even thought shkreli was cute af until I read about that journalist he pumped and dumped (christie smythe).
>I met a submissive 30yo guy at a BDSM
OP said no degen shit!!

Anonymous 114031

>never date an ugly man! Ugly men are shallow and obsessed with appearances, and that's awful! To avoid shallow men, only ever date the hottest possible guy you can find, because hot guys are always good people who don't care about looks, which makes them better people than those ugly incels who judge people by their physical appearance!

Is there even one self-aware brain cell in your skull?

Anonymous 114033

Damn me too. We have the same taste. The type of guy I like is probably impossible to meet in real life. And it's annoying because I think it's very difficult to change what you're attracted to and what are you supposed to do about that? You shouldn't date someone you aren't attracted to because that would be a disservice to you and them. So then I think it'd be better to stay single, but then people (mostly moids) have shit to say about that too ugh.

Anonymous 114338

I've actually met two guys like this IRL who I ended up dating, and who both ended up dumping me pretty ruthlessly. They're definitely better admired from a distance.

Anonymous 114420

weirdly enough childish hobbies that are not mainstream, i know this guy from this really obscure toy collecting niche that i passably give a shit about and i was very impressed at how polite and good mannered this guy is, he dosent seem to be a degen, heck he even made an angry rant about how gross the people who find toys sexually appealing are, which i fully supported, heck i low-key wished i didn't find the male body so boring on top and so gross on the bottom thats how educated he is
i guess my best advice is try to find places that a person whose extremely traumatised and sheltered would find comfort into while at the same time trying to avoid any places that use the term regression in any shape and form

Anonymous 114433

So? are you forbidden to enter the uni ever again?

>>114019 is right, they're not super hard to find.

Anonymous 114506

>or any other degen shit (besides femdom eventually), and make him fully obsessed about you, dependent on you, hard the moment you touch him
wtf that's so nice

Anonymous 115429

Oh man I thought I was the only one who has the hots for Shkreli.

Anonymous 115443

Fuck off.

Anonymous 115444


If he's obsessed enough, his interest in other degenerate media will probably decrease. I have a pathetic man fetish though.

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