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I hate having no friends i cant handle it much llonger Anonymous 114068

(Coming from an ex 4chan user so not used to formatting yet sorry D: )

>be me, 11

>have 1 friend
>would force me to do crazy shit
>she is my only friend so i can’t do anything about it
>this continues for years, basically groomed me
>be me, 14, and now new stacy gets in the picture
>friend and stacy go home everyday together from school and hang out without me
>friend now barely talks to me
>gained some self respect and told her i never wanted to speak to her again

its been YEARS (almost 5) since i broke contact and i’ve actually been miserable. i dream about her every 2 weeks. i wake up so guilty. i just miss having actual people who ‘care’ about me but i can’t find any fucking friends. nobody replies to my messages and if i ever get invited somewhere its last minute. I fucking hate being girl because of the complicated psych spheres of everyone else. Its so painful to go through basic interactions that every time i speak i vouch it will be the last. I get such bad social embarrassment when people talk over me because nobody ever cares for what i have to say—but i always ask “what were you saying again? you never finished.” no one puts the same effort i give.

anyways, pic related because whenever i feel lonely i stab needles or pins into my callus because friend taught me about ‘skin sewing’ which is where you embroider designs into your hand with a sewing needle. i cant embroider well so i use old pins she gave me. we used to do this together and it makes me feel like i have a friend to hang out with. i actually talk to myself out loud when doing it to emulate a social situation. what do you guys do when your lonely for the hundredth time! seriously how do i make long lasting connections

Anonymous 114073

maybe you could look at the friend finder thread? but honestly if got till 18 without any friends online or irl its probably your personality

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