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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 114110

How can people be so natural with random conversations and at making connections?

Anonymous 114112


Anonymous 114121

this tbh

also being born neurotypical

Anonymous 114125

It's a learned skill. Trial and error.

Anonymous 114127

>don't talk to anyone for 5-10 years
>contact a stranger online
>fall in love
>sperg out
>hyperventilate and vomit nonstop
>be reassured it's ok and we'll stay friends and things will go back to normal
>slowly fall out of contact
It's so easy, I don't understand how you people struggle with this

Anonymous 114128

all of my self control and discipline is exercised on resisting doing this sso thats why i cant get anything else done in life unfortunately.

Anonymous 114132

being socialized properly as a kid
if you talk to people since ur 3 itll be infinitely easier than if u made ur first friend at like 12

Anonymous 114134

Practice, but also unironically confidence. It sounds like a meme, but the less you feel like you need approval from the people you're talking to, the more naturally it will come. (Provided you don't circle back around to just being a jerk or something, of course.)

Unfortunately it's a vicious cycle - if you're alone and lonely, every conversation will make you feel nervous. If you've got some trusty friends and are well-practiced at casual conversation with strangers, it becomes a mundane event and you just stop caring, and as a consequence you literally become better at it.

Anonymous 114157

My advice. Try being funny. I know that's hard for some as it takes practice, but being funny, for me, is just expressing exactly what I think at the moment and not being afraid to jokingly admit an insecurity or flaw I have to others. I feel like doing stuff like this immediately gets people to open up and like you right away, from my experience.

Anonymous 114160

Easy, just observe people as they talk and take comprehensive notes on tone, inflection, pace and content. Then replicate those elements and mix them together in conversations with strangers online until you can reproduce a passible facsimile of human interaction.

Anonymous 114163

this + no social anxiety or otherwise mental health problems/trauma caused by your home life.

That said social skills are, well, a skill. You can learn it and get better at it. I just mirrored people around me I wanted to be like and it helped massively.

Anonymous 114198

They think about themselves way less than you do.

Anonymous 114337

if you aren't neurotypical (or just likeable) you can try practicing as much as you want but you'll just get a bunch of negative reinforcement that prompts you to stop socializing. your interactions will just go awkwardly/badly and discourage you from continuing. if you're neurotypical or likeable or an npc they'll generally be positive interactions that encourage you to keep going. people don't end up shut-ins out of nowhere.

Anonymous 115404

nice AI face touchup, not like the weirdass fingers aren't a giveaway

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