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extremely trivial rant Anonymous 114170

i just need to vent nonas, about my house. it doesn't even feel or look like a home, it looks like a decrepit, empty, soulless storage unit. my living room is worse than r/malelivingspaces posters. I tried putting up some books and figures and letting my anime interests bleed into the living room but it looks lifeless. i also really wish i had the luxury of having a bathtub and having a bath tray so i can have bath bomb / bath salt / tea out. i feel like i can't settle in and my bf doesn't own any furniture so he didn't have anything to help spruce up the living room and doesn't have good tastes. i just feel like it's not my home and that i suck at decorating. it seriously looks sterile like the apartment from One Hour Photo. im afraid to branch out from cheap white ikea furniture as a color scheme but it looks ugly.

Anonymous 114171

Take your time with it, lots of the stuff I have in my room is stuff that I somehow got my hands on over time. For me it's mostly gifts my friends gave me or stuff I got off the flea market or normal stores if I really liked it. At first your space might look a bit bland, but imo collecting stuff that makes you go "hey, I love this, it'd be great in my home" is what adds most soul. For starters maybe add some personal fotos if you feel like it lacks individuality, it doesn't really get any more individual than that, right? Also imo depeending on the color scheme (and size) it can change the vibe a lot. If you don't really have any fotos you could hang maybe there's some pictures you like? I like getting stuff like that at the flea market, not only does it have a lot of soul, it's also quite cheap. Or if you paint or draw and feel comfortable you can even hang stuff like that. I personally wouldn't obsess too much about having every single thing going with everything else in color, but then I guess for some people that works out fine too. In the end it's all up to you - just take it step by step for now and enjoy the process :D

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