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Vent Anonymous 114186

Friendless loser here
>It’s partially my fault cause I kind of just stopped trying to make friends. For a lot of different reasons. Like I always felt like the loser of the group and because my best friend stopped being my friend.
>Well this new girl started at work and we talk a lot and she would stay past her shift to talk. >She ended up quitting and she was gone before I could see her for her last day and maybe ask for her socials or number.
>so I just looked her up on instagram and added her and sent her a message
>it’s been over 24 hours and she hasn’t added me back or answered me. so I think it’s safe to say she’s probably not gonna answer
>when I noticed I went to the bathroom and cried for like 5 minutes. I feel so embarrassed and like such a loser
>I think I’m gonna just go back to not trying.

Anonymous 114188

20240317 105916 73…

Fellow friendless loser here too. Shit feels bleak sometimes.

> Formally diagnosed with bipolar 1 and social anxiety disorder

> Every time I try and make friends or form connections, my mind devours itself with self hatred and I convince myself everyone hates me
> Self-isolate
> I can make friends but not form long-term connections
> I don't know why but I can't make friends with other women specifically
> Moids are easy but you can't keep them as friends forever, they're never really friends and they'll get bored when they realize you're not going to fuck them
> Haven't had a normal friend since high school

Anonymous 114212

Very relatable
I haven’t had friends since my early early twenties. It’s hard to even form a connection. Like I just don’t relate to other people well. I thought we related to each other pretty well but I guess not. I’m just confused now:/
It’s nice because you can just use moids as like friends so someone is forced to talk to you. If they ask for nudes or whatever you just pretend you’re asleep. You can keep that going for at least a month.

Anonymous 114213


I just don’t get how other people make friends. Do you ever feel like there’s just something deeply wrong with you and people pick up on it? Like girls will compliment me in public and it feels so special. I just wanna friend I connect with.

Anonymous 114297

I'm in the same boat, I have no friends and when I try to make friends it never goes anywhere. I can't find people with the same interests, I just can't find a starting place to talk to people anymore. It used to be easy but now that the alt scene is a bunch of gendies I can't do it anymore. No one needs to be exactly like me but I don't have a starting point anymore, idk what to say to people outside of muh how was your day/weekend. It just all seems so impossible, getting a boyfriend for company is easy but I don't want one. I just want one good female friend.

Anonymous 114298

What are you looking for in a female friend or male friend?

Anonymous 114311

im the problem its…

Someone to actually connect with beyond surface level, it takes a lot of time but I used to have someone like this and even though it didn't end well I miss her so so much. It takes a lot of time to build a relationship like this, I've tried but it never really ended up with us being closer, it's more like the more I got to know them the more I disliked them? I've tried to get close with someone and once I actually got to know her she turned out to be a bpd mess who kept gaslighting me into thinking I was stupid, weird, whatever. I feel so alone, I just need one person I can talk to and be myself around without feeling embarrassed or have it in the back of my mind that they'll talk shit about me once I leave the room. I was always friends with other friendless people so it's a bit hard to get it out of my mind.

Anonymous 114365

I can absolutely relate and then of you find someone you have things in common with. It never goes anywhere and you’re in the exact same place. Men aren’t as fun to be around. Like I don’t want male friends. I want female friendship. I wanna be one of those girls who lives with her 3 best friends and they just have each other. I get that’s probably not realistic but it has to be to some degree.

Anonymous 114366

Therapy is literally the only place I can just openly talk to another women. I literally pay $32 a month so I have someone to yap with. It’s fucking sad:/

Anonymous 114369

Its better to talk to an AI bf, because both a therapist and an AI bf pretend to care about you.

Anonymous 114373

but what if a real bf really cares about you?

Anonymous 114375

It’s impossible for a moid to really care about you

Anonymous 114380

They don’t
Men date you because they feel like they can’t do better or because you’re attractive. There is no in between or it’s both.
I dated a moid for 8 years. Who promised he’d never leave, no matter what. He left. He was talking to a girl before he even moved out. At least when you have friends you have someone to share your misery with.

Anonymous 114391

I'm sorry to hear you've been let down nona. 8 years is a long time, it must be hard to adjust to being alone again. Did he at least give a reason for leaving?

Anonymous 114398

>Who promised he’d never leave, no matter what.
Without a ring, this promise is meaningless.

Anonymous 114409

Don’t be fucking disgusting
People kind of just grow apart sometimes I guess. He got these new friends and one of stirred up a lot of drama.
I don’t really believe that but it’s also not really the point. People get divorced all the time

Anonymous 114410

Don’t be fucking disgusting
People kind of just grow apart sometimes I guess. He got these new friends and one of stirred up a lot of drama.
I don’t really believe that but it’s also not really the point. People get divorced all the time

Anonymous 114414

I’m in the same position, I always fuck up my friendships because of my mental illness and I’m kinda quiet so I tend to not make new ones quickly. Idk how to fix it but I’m sorry ur going through the same thing

Anonymous 114417

>abandoned an 8 year relationship because he got some new friends
moid moment

Anonymous 114418

Who's more likely to leave you, your husband or your "boyfriend"?

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