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fatass rant Anonymous 114360

i hate being fat but at the same time i dont? my body is huge and it makes it hard to fit into spaces (physically and socially), sometime i feel like being fat makes me stand out a lot (which it probably does) and i really want to lose the weight. but, when trying to lose weight all of the resources are either like, annoying "hot girl walk" bs, or just borderline racist ed-having lana del rey girls. like i said, i don't hate myself, so the shaming doesn't really work to motivate me. ironically fatspo does kind of work on me. i've had sexual experiences but they've all been online (cause im too scared to ever approach a guy irl) and some of which were literally just getting groomed. no guy has ever looked at me in a sexual way irl. actually doing anything with a guy in real life is a terrifying thought though.

i'm trying to lose weight now, but i'm not really sure that the end goal is totally worth it. i recently got friends through playing in a wind band but i'm on the outside of the friend group and spend most of my time eating or playing overwatch outside of schoolwork (especially now that i'm off for the summer) but i've been making an effort to stay active.
also, any reccomendations for other sites like this that aren't like,,, complaining about trans ppl and focus more on like,,, being a girl.

Anonymous 114370

I don't know if this will help you but I got over my socials addiction by buying a timed locker box. You have these boxes where can put some stuff in it for a period of time so I put my phone in it after 10pm so that I can have a normal sleep. If you try to destroy the box then it just means you really don't want to quit. But I think with most addictions like phones and food is that you need to make sure that your surroundings can't give you a temptation. You should go right now and clean your surroundings from junk food and what is addicting. I often hated myself for buying that locked timer box but after a week I thanked my past self for using that thing.

Always remember that a starving African kid never gets fat, because he doesn't have food.

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