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ed rant Anonymous 114394

>anorexia for 3 years on and off
>look back to photos of my body last year when i still had my period
>i was so fat
>look to now, i have my dream body which i’ve worked so hard for, but no period

life is so unfair, i try so hard, why can’t i just have both??? why do other skinny girls get to have their period and not me? ive been eating enough calories for maintenance for so long now, im losing hope. i just want to not hate how i look and also be able to be a mother one day

Anonymous 114397

Hey Nona. If you want to be a mother, and your current weight & body makes it so you aren't having a period, that's not your dream body. You have to train yourself to look at the extra weight differently. Not saying get fat, but you have to eat enough, and eat well, and exercise, to have children and raise them well. I struggled a lot with this when I recovered from anorexia. I still do, sometimes. But when I look at the mirror, I see the extra fat on my lower belly, protecting and nourishing my womb. I see my arms are larger, so I can hold my babies longer. My hips are wider, so they can be carried comfortably while I go about my day. My thighs are bigger, so I can run after them and play more. I maintain a body that functions as it should, so that I can show them how to love and care for their own bodies.

Anonymous 114399

i’m sorry i don’t have any advice but i recently lost my period too and i know how you feel. i’m still at a weight that many “naturally skinny” girls can maintain effortlessly, so it feels really unfair. for example my sisters are much thinner than me and they’ve never had to diet, and are seen as perfectly healthy.

Anonymous 114424

this is so sweet and beautifully written. this is the goal, i hope and pray one day i can allow myself to look at it like this. i’m happy for you and your recovery, thank you anon

i know how you feel, it’s at the point where if a girl is bigger than me it no longer feels like an accomplishment, i just think about how at least she’s healthy with a properly functioning body. i’m sorry you’ve had to go through this, hopefully there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for both of us <3

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