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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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"goody two-shoes" Anonymous 114625

>try to do the right thing
>get disliked for it

Anonymous 114649

John 3:19
>And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Anonymous 114680

whenever someones too nice it's a red flag because most people are rude

Anonymous 114685


Anonymous 114687

There's something frustrating about someone bending to authority so much. But I think most people who do good things just want to be better people so I won't judge

Anonymous 114711

I guess the questions is about why you're trying to do the right thing. The just and good response isn't always the most emphatic one.

The type of person the article refers to is ultimately good out of selfish reasons, something they've developed as a survival mechanism due to shitty parents. Don't think it's anything to criticize as much as I'd want for them to be allowed to grow into their genuine self, but I do think it's a 'niceness' that a lot of people won't perceive as genuine.

Other people will contrast your good behaviour with their own and won't like the light it paints them in, hence the angry response.

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