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losing my life to my phone Anonymous 114793

I’ve lost a good 10 years of my life and my entire childhood to social media and screen time. I’m not sure how to beat this addiction. I have no friends. I’m even on my phone at work. I average 12 hours a day on my phone/computer.

Anonymous 114794

youtube shorts and tiktok are the worst!!!

Anonymous 114795

If my brain wants to be on my phone all day, it’s not my brain’s fault, it’s everything else’s fault for not being as entertaining

Anonymous 114796

just get rid of it and get a cheap dumbphone
if you have no friends, not having a smartphone won't be an issue
I found it to make breathing much easier

Anonymous 114797

no it is your fault

Anonymous 114800

short form content being shoved down everyones throats with no option to block it is killing everyones attention spans

Anonymous 114804

I have the same problem but with my computer, it's hard to quit when your real life is boring and dull, i rather have fun online than face the harsh reality.

Anonymous 114805

I’m thinking about getting a dumb phone to see what it is like.

Anonymous 114875


tikjtok SUCKS!!

Anonymous 114906

That’s terrivle

Anonymous 114935

my friend and i have been on a dumb phone kick. she actually bought one and loved it, until she tried to get a uhaul storage container. the company forces you to use the app. you had to have it to do anything bc there wasn’t a fucking person at the center! i’ve found you need a smartphone for almost everything these days, and it’s horrible. that being said i think you should go for it, just keep this in mind. be prepared to have to do a little extra leg work. but you will feel a lot better otherwise, i think.

Anonymous 115091


I have a dumb phone and like it. I'd recommend a Sunbeam phone, since you can still group message and get in touch with people. But it restricts the internet. I have my computer for that, anyway.

Anonymous 115092

thanks for the rec!

Anonymous 115591

just delete every app problem solved

Anonymous 115601

i'm struggling with this too….
need more hobbies and I try to only use social media for communicating with friends. Have tried really hard to make friends. Hasn't been easy, and I have no childhood friends.

Anonymous 115620

I understand this too nona my couple irl friends don't reach out enough at all and all I have is bf who's a LDR right now and I want to cry because he's not here

Anonymous 115688

im sleepy
i think for some people their phone is just their way of fidgeting. its a sensory act, swiping your nubs on a phone and letting the pixels run with your finger movement, and a mental one as well. the act of browsing through social media / doomscrolling (vaguely relevant in modern day to day living) is soothing to them even if causing negative emotional effects. people should get into playing with fidget toys or something.
or something

Anonymous 117737

I recently bought myself a phone with buttons (Qin F21 Pro) to try and make surfing the web less appealing and so many of the people in my life want me to switch back to my iPhone. This phone can do all of the things my iPhone could, it just takes a bit longer which is exactly what I was looking for. It's so weird… Now certain people will try to explain to me why spending hours looking at YouTube isn't a bad thing, how it can be good for me. Even my mom??? I don't understand. Growing up she had an app installed on my phone and computer (OurPact) that would block content and turn things off at bedtime and I think she really believed that she was doing something good for me. What changed when I became an adult? My boyfriend spends entire days playing video games so I can see why he thinks I'm being silly, but I don't understand my mom's point of view. So silly. I think part of it that is she can't see where I am on apples find my iPhone map but she never checked it before anyway.

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