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Anonymous 114806

my bf's ex was better looking than me and it makes me insecure. so ik he loves me and just me but he told me that "i sent you pics of my ex before we dated cus i wanted to make you see i have dated higher rank women so you would start like me" then i asked why and he just replied "cus thats how women work" on top of this i saw more pics of his ex yesterday and i got upset so i said "yk i just feel like she is better than me and you settled lower" to which he replied my personality is better and its not a race. i understand but still i am ugly, and that doesn't feel nice. i just feel disgusted by my face and body. he says "you're cute" but then gets mad whrn i said we have 3 point difference (he rated himself 1.5/10 and in his opinion there is 1-2 point difference making me 3.5/10 max which is just ugly). (he isn't that low but i said based what i thought he thinks)…

Anonymous 114807

So you are with a guy who not only part takes in the whole rating women based on their looks degeneracy, but has also outright told you that he views you as "lower rank" and that he essentially pulled you (in his pov) by making you self conscious and by showing you how much better he could do looks wise. On top of that he generalizes women and thinks there's a "way how we work". And you come here and your issue is that his ex was prettier?
Nona wake the fuck up.

Anonymous 114809

Please leave him nona, that's really dangerous behavior. He's purposely trying to make you feel bad about yourself (and thus, like he's the only one who would like you) and using "female nature" as an excuse. These type of men will use "male/female behavior" to excuse every sort of abuse under the sun.
>t. Was cheated on, emotionally and physically abused by a "that's how men/women are" moid

Anonymous 114810


It's a common moid tactic among blackpillers, they claim when women see other women attracted a guy their attraction to him rises too. It does NOT work and is stupid moid shit.

Anonymous 114813

>my bf's ex
Stopped reading right there. You shouldn't be settling for used goods.

Anonymous 114814

This. Dating used goods is like buying something from Facebook marketplace. It's probably going to be shitty.

Anonymous 114823

He sounds like he follows incel/redpill ideology. Where did you find this specimen?

Anonymous 114834


>they claim when women see other women attracted a guy their attraction to him rises too. It does NOT work and is stupid moid shit.

It's a pretty well documented phenomenon actually. You can find plenty of studies and accounts of it, and certainly not just in incel circles.

Anonymous 114855

bait used to be believable

Anonymous 114861

Moids usually argue that this happens because of social validation and not because of no strings attached sex

Anonymous 114862

That's so dumb tho, they think we preselect them based on whether another woman thinks they're datable, but how is a guy who's ready to leave his girlfriend/wife for me dating material? Why would I want a man with 0 loyalty who could easily be taken by the next best woman? And on top of that why would I destroy a relationship for that? They really just think we hate each other trying to compete for "the top 10%" of them lmao

Anonymous 114887


Anonymous 114910

He's using all that stuff (showing you pics, low rating of you) to keep your self esteem low so he can keep you settling for him. He's showing you his true colors, don't fall for it. This is toxic and manipulative.

Anonymous 114932


It's blackpill nonsense. They believe that women are only into toxic men, that they will only be with men who's value is much greater than their own. So they do this whole thing where they act unavailable, maintain multiple female situationships, dread game women and play women against tach other.

Anonymous 114943


>higher ranked women

Dump him. Or start comparing him to hotter guys so he sees how it feels.

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