Anonymous 114828
I am not allowed to lament. Since I was young the place I've been in was crowded and continues to be . I do not want to cry in front of anyone nor to be screamed at. Yet I can barely hold it in. All I'd like to do is curl on the ground and break down. I'm tired of the constant noise and stimuli. It's driving me insane. I wish I could lock the outside world out of my head
Anonymous 114831
How could I have been so stupid? It's not like I was content with my circumstances but I always coped by thinking I could be satisfied with less, with nothing. I was careless, I overlooked many things and I can no longer go back. Instead of being this worthless I should have worked into bettering my life even if it was useless, even if it wasn't enough, I would have had a silver of hope I could hold onto. Things will continue happening in spite of me. There's truly no point, I can feel myself crumbling. I can't protect anyone
Anonymous 114842
sometimes i wish that i was the only person on earth at times. i know its selfish but i just can't keep dealing with people who are not as "sensitive" about certain things as i am. a part of me understands this as weakness. but god i am so tired of dealing with other people all the time. and if you try to decentralize, if you try to make your own little space, you get bullied for it and targeted because you wanted inner peace in the first place.
Anonymous 114850
not to be an asshole as i can see ur sad and i hope u can feel better but this is justa vent shitpost.and couldve easily been in the vent thread or ur own journal instead of shitting up the catalog.
Anonymous 114856
>>114850Sorry I seriously tried to delete after posting but it said I can't. I only lurked before but apparently it wasn't enough to not make a stupid mistake. Sorry I hope it gets buried fast or something
Anonymous 114858
>>114842This is not a weakness, people are just exhausting. Solitude is key the key to happiness in my universe. Pretty much everyone i encounter annoys the shit out of me. Oh sure i would like to meet someone i mesh and vibe with but thats like finding a needle in a haystack. If i do great. But im not counting on it or anything. Things you love make life bliss so forget everything else. Trying to control everything and resisting the state of things too much just makes you unable to appreciate the bliss.