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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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im an idiot Anonymous 114930

i've been talking to this guy on snapchat and he's 1 of 3 guys that i've ever had a sexual experience with (1/2 if you don't count getting groomed lol) and i might be getting attatched?? his birthday was yesterday and he told me that he hired a prostitute and i felt kinda bad about it. he said that he only wanted something casual so it's my fault really. idk maybe i was just desperate cause im really insecure and hate myself and he's giving me attention.

Anonymous 114931

ykw its probably pertinent to point out that he lives in a country pretty far away from mine. all of the guys ive talked to have either been in a diff country or state. way too anxious to talk to men who live near me

Anonymous 114933

>Said he only wants something casual
No contact time nona, you're getting attached to a moid who will use and hurt you

Anonymous 114938

There is no point continuing to speak to him

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