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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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abuse cycles Anonymous 114941

what's the worst thing you've done to an abusive person in your life? as revenge, rage-induced retaliation, to protect someone else, etc.

when you were pushed too far and had to bite back, what happened? and do you regret it?

I morally believe I've done harmful things when looked at on their own, but believe that when it comes to abuse, if they won't stop themselves, retaliation is self defense.

Anonymous 114956

I made my narcissistic, bipolar and abusive mom lose custody of me and my older sister, she's now living in the streets and my whole family hates her

Anonymous 114959


I plot my revenge everday. Pigs are going to bleed and i will not care, trust me. There are a lot of moids that just need to be kept in a basement.

Anonymous 115004

sometimes I think men don't learn or change until money or violence are involved…

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