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lesbocel Anonymous 114942

Everyday my longing to have a girlfriend gets more and more intense, it’s getting hard to shove it to aside and ignore it anymore. However, I am too insecure due to my lack of experience almost child-like helplessness to put myself out there as obviously no one wants to deal with that, I mean except for men but the only reason they do is to take advantage of you and then dispose of you once they’re done. How old were some of you guys when you first got a girlfriend or had sex with another girl, what lead up to it how did you get to that stage?

Anonymous 114948

from dating apps. how old are you anon?

Anonymous 114953

I'm 18
I feel way to insecure to actually put myself out there and my only experience on dating apps wasn't really pleasant to say the least it was full of women misleading me and looking for a third with their boyfriend

Anonymous 114960

Might not be the best advice but definitely find a way to get into a better mental state with your confidence first. Surrounding myself with a lot of female friends who were into makeup/dressing up boosted my confidence insanely when they started helping me with my looks, and I instantly started wanting to look good for myself, not only others. You'll feel better about yourself and be more comfortable putting yourself out there.
P.S. I made all of my friends from working at a coffee shop as a barista lol

Anonymous 114961

18 years old? it's so over for you

Anonymous 115103

The only way is to get over your insecurity and put yourself out there. Go to social events, build social skills, meet people even if there's no lesbian events specifically. You're still young so you have time, but if you don't get over being socially awkward now it'll fuck you over in the long run.
You can also try dating online if you're a NEET and go for someone equally awkward, I met my first girlfriend that way because we had similar politics and interests.

Anonymous 115107

unfortunately you really gotta force yourself out of your comfort zone and really dig around, as for lack of experience: some girls find it endearing and since you’re 18 it’s understandable, we all had to learn at one point, you got this!

Anonymous 115109

Is it really any different from sending out job applications untill some sucker takes the bait?

I mean love last, in my experience, for like 2 weeks and makes you feel lowkey slimy and awful because it is not too different from being on drugs, so any relationhip gotta be build on both parties self interest.

Anonymous 115112

you're only 18 anonette. you still have time, put yourself out there no matter how uncomfortable or awkward it may be at first. unless you want to end up like me….

Anonymous 115123

dating apps are shit. you have to make friends, even if you aren’t attracted to them they might introduce you to people you are. start slow. like others said you’re young and have time, build up the skills now otherwise you run the risk of letting the years go by and no step closer to your goal (happens quicker than you’d think)

Anonymous 115439

Thanks for all the replies of advice and encouragement. I know 18 is still young but I just feel so behind, I lost my core teenage years to various bad situations and I just feel permanently stuck at like 15. And due to having suffered for acne for all those years and the red scars it left me with, my self perception has been like permanently distorted

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