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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Am I fake? Anonymous 115074

I hate one specific person. They annoy me so fucking much. But I can't help but be polite & even helpful to them, which means they think I like them, but I really, really don't. Am I fake? Two-faced? Etc? Note that I don't talk about this person behind their back or anything I just really don't like them and seethe silently to myself while giving them a smile.
Am I a bad person or am I just insane?

Anonymous 115075

I have the exact same, I liked her at first but as I got to know her I found her so stupid and annoying. At this point I despise her and hope she never texts me again but I still see her from time to time. Idk if it makes you (or me) a horrible person but I find myself a huge doormat because I just cant tell her to fuck off. I guess it's not a nice thing to do but it's not out of malice, just can't say no.

Anonymous 115081

Are you afraid of confrontations?

Anonymous 115102

A little

Anonymous 115129

I do this too towards several people in fact (all co-workers or people I'm obligated to interact with). I just think it's logical - I would rather just put up with the annoyance than confront them or cause unnecessary drama.

Anonymous 115495

On the contrary, you are a good person who makes an effort not to shit on this person who arguably deserves it

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