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Why do people genuinely make each other miserable most of the time? Anonymous 115085

Most of what I saw growing up was gaslighting, being told im crazy, women getting trashed / revenge porned or being cut down for being this or being that. Having their minds fucked over by family, men, other women, and living as fragments of a human being.

So I decided i hated people and society and wanted nothing to do with them. I want nothing to do with what society wants from me as a woman and if you're going to spurn me for it id like to dump acid on your face. I just don't understand why other women go along with it, and pretend to be happy when i know they're genuinely miserable. I see them complain about their expereinces day in day out. Why do they strive to play out that whole farce and pretend and make each other miserable for the sake of a shitty performance when you can just duck out of society and have nothing to do with men or shitty misogynistic women, or any of it??? I always try to understand this. It doesn't matter how you look as a woman you will get trashed, gaslighted, and have your sanity destroyed by somebody.

I really never saw much else growing up. I have to vent because it makes me disgusted and want to stay inside for eternity.

Anonymous 115086

Sorry for just coming here to comment on her looks but I just can't get over how beautiful Bianca was.

Anonymous 115087

Yeah and look where it got her in life

Anonymous 115088

Yeah sadly, she deserved so much better.

Anonymous 115302

People are scum, especially moids and their female pick-me helpers. So many times my day was going so nice, until some person has to butt in and ruin it for me. Animals dont do this. Plants dont do this. People, usually moids, ruin everything.

Unfortunately not always possible, but avoiding moids is usually a good way to avoid trouble. Hard to find women-only businesses, but that's one example. Problem is, moids have an unhealthy urge to invade female-only spaces, to dominate and ruin the women/girls in it. To restate, to dominate and to ruin is the essence of the moid's mentality.

You can tell that Bianca had such a beautiful, kind soul shining through. What a crime that real humans (read: the female sex) have to share the same planet as the sex that produced the POS moid that murdered her - or even the average filthy, prn addicted, goyslop consooming, moid. Moids are devoid of empathy. Moids dont have souls, and operate on violence and/or bestial (sometimes literally) lust. Moids are the satanic sex, as far as Im concerned. RIP in Heaven Bianca, far away from where the moid demon will end up for eternity.

Anonymous 115339

The older I get, the more I see being attractive to men as a risk factor for problems. All the problems in my life have been caused by myself, but if I wasn’t attractive to men, I would’ve been safer from self destruction and violence. I thought I could use my pretty privilege to take advantage of opportunities and things they could provide me, but no amount of money is worth being ogled and spoken to by men- and whatever life you build up using looks will come crumbling down anyway.

Anonymous 115340

Men will hump animals or holes in tree trunks etc, so their thoughts on who or what they find attractive or not doesnt matter. While not accepting money or anything from moids is a good idea to avoid being manipulated into doing what they want, women shouldnt blame themselves if a particular moid finds them attractive or unattractive and proceeds to abuse or manipulate her due to that.

Anonymous 115347

I’m not blaming myself as much as I’m learning in retrospect that getting any amount of help from men comes with the caveat that you’re giving them attention and the privilege of helping you out, which means you’re basically “pleasuring” them, and you can/should make the active decision to reject any help from men. The best way to build a career is to rely on female mentors who have their shit together and don’t take handouts from men.

Anonymous 116576

who is that baldy?

Anonymous 116589

The guy that killed her. She was nice. RIP

Anonymous 116603

She begged to be killed openly on her instagram. She didn't deserve it, but she literally asked for it.

Anonymous 116604

You said she didn't deserve it so idk what the purpose of pointing out her 17 y/o edge posting is

Anonymous 116628

what? Do you have the specific post where she asked to be murdered? She was probably making a joke/exaggerating…

Anonymous 116721

> Why do people genuinely make each other miserable most of the time?
> Most of what I saw growing up was gaslighting, being told im crazy, women getting trashed / revenge porned or being cut down for being this or being that.
> So I decided i hated people and society and wanted nothing to do with them.
There is your answer. Most people who treat others like trash have reached a point where they just don’t give a fuck about others for whatever reason. Sometimes it is not always because they’ve been hurt but because they’ve never cared. Other times, yes, they become jaded because of negative experiences. But if you treat others with the same antisocial regard (where you hate other people because of stuff SOMEONE ELSE did), then you are contributing to the “why do people treat others callously??” thing.

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