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men ruining my life help Anonymous 115137

men ruin everything for me. they steal all of my friendships, and generally compromise me in almost every way. I can’t remember the last time a man has showed interest in me, let alone had a nice conversation with me. I feel like I’m only used for them to get to my friends, just so they can take them right out from under my feet. I’m slowly beginning to grow disdain for all of them [mostly the scrawny normie entitled white dudes] any advice for my situation?? it’s getting really bad
Should I just give up???

Anonymous 115142

Don't be naive but have some nuance. If you start thinking all men are evil, that's all you're gonna see in your environment. I firmly believe that by having that mindset you're gonna attract more evil men into your life.
But you also can't go around thinking all men are acting in your best interest. It's just not true but you already had to learn that the hard way.

>Should I just give up???

You should be fine with living on your own. Being alone is still 1000x better than being with some shitty scrote who doesn't treat you right, while you pour your everything into him.
But don't give up on men overall yet. Good men exist, men who will treat you with respect and show you love. Just make sure to not settle for anything less than that. Trust me, being alone is still better than being with a scrote who treats you badly.

Also I'm so sorry about your friends. Must be frustrating to have that happening to you.

Anonymous 115143

>by having that mindset you’re gonna attract more evil men into your life
I haven’t ever thought about it that way, but it figures that if I’m only looking for the bad in them that’s what I’m gonna end up seeing more. Plenty of men are fine, I just get so caught up in the bad ones I let them ruin it all for me

>being alone is 1000x better than being with some shitty scrote who doesn’t treat you right

Yeah, I’ve found that I put too much value into having a relationship in general instead of maintaining a good one. It just gets kind of lonely sometimes but ur right all I can do atp is sit and wait for the right person.

thank you for replying, made me feel better

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