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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 115284

What's it called when the more a person is genuinely kind to you the more uncomfortable and distant you become?

Anonymous 115285

For me personally, The nicer someone is to me the more scared I get disappointing them thus getting more distant…

Anonymous 115286

Anonymous 115287

I'm talking about other women trying to befriend me tard

Anonymous 115288

Same applies
We all need a healthy dose of toxicity in our lives, everyone knows “nice” people are just a bunch of fakers. Kindness is only valuable when it comes from people who are honest enough to show you their true feelings

Anonymous 115289

Have fun scaring every bit of kindness people have to offer away.

Anonymous 115290

This usually means that as a child you only received attention from your parents almost exclusively when they were unhappy with you.

Anonymous 115482

same. this has ruined almost all of my relationship

Anonymous 115549

kindness is expressed in many ways and maybe the way in which they're expressing it isn't what you're looking for. For instance encouragement and positivity don't do much for me. But chilling without saying a word works much better. etc

Anonymous 115649

Avoidant personality disorder or self hated or something like that. Someone tries to befriend you, or is nice to you, and it makes you feel uncomfortable because you don't feel worthy enough. Been there. Just stop caring lol
learn to take a compliment. Once you realise that everyone else is just as retarded as you, then you can get over yourself

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