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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


bye nonas, ILY Anonymous 115498

been thinking a lot lately.. im on the internet since ten or smth. i think it got me kind fucked up tbh fried my brain. for awhile i thought I was legit depressed. accidentally went offline for a bit. felt so much better??? like the fog lifted idk. it's rly weird clarity. not trying to be preachy but mb the cliche is true and we all need to touch grass more. internet's obv a sim within a sim but mb one sim is already too much for our lizard brains? btw nonas, call your moms if you can/on speaking terms. you never know when you might not be able to. i feel like i'm getting preachy again but honestly tho cherish that normie shit while it's there. idk about u anons but i'm out for as long as i can (ik this is not gonna last and gonna come back venting lol). but for now i gonna try existing ourside the screen. might suck but can't be worse than years of internet brain rot. ily tho fr peace

Anonymous 115499

I genuinely wish you the best. I’m sorry for shitposting.

Anonymous 115534

see you tomorrow

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