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Am i really wrong to not give a shit about people? Anonymous 115506

(Save for 1-2 people in my life) I just genuinely dont see the point. They have the nerve to call you out for being a psychopath for being flatly and maniacally indifferent especially to their bs.. and then show a million colorful ways they are equally as bad or worse. All i really wanted was solitude and to figure out who i was a long time ago. Why do i still have to work at this?

In everything i do i am detached and i mean ZERO emotional investment for obvious reasons. (I avoid relationships, men like the plague) But also everytime i try to get back to my nice feeling side people try to destroy it and make you regret bringing it back. But oh if you're detached and indifferent all the time you're fine. No i do not open up to people or rely on people easily, but when i do I DEEPLY regret it and wall myself more. (I dont easily relate to most women. I dont know the solution)

Its so extreme I just don't understand how other women manage or live.

I am at the point where id like to embrace my raw energy in whatever way it manifests, even if it means im some "benign psychopath" to other people. I am going to be as benign a psychopath as other people are benign psychopaths. Just admit it that is what you're surrounded by.

Whether its soft mundane everyday evil, or aggressive/violent in your face evil its all started to feel the same to me.

I guess I just need to rant because im tired of resisting who i want to be. I just don't want to care, its like that is my dying wish honestly. Why do people want you to live like this?

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