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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 115527

I want to leave my house but have nowhere to go on the weekends

Anonymous 115528

Can you walk around somewhere like the local mall alone? Or a big box store? Maybe a park or an outdoor center if you prefer outdoors? People won't care if you're alone, the more crowded the place the better if you want to be around people

Anonymous 115558

go 2 library and read book

Anonymous 115566


Anonymous 115573

this thread is full of excellent suggestions. i also suggest looking at local events, you can sometimes find those on your library or county websites. also just taking a simple walk around your neighborhood could be nice if that's possible for you

Anonymous 118700


Anonymous 118701



Anonymous 118702



Anonymous 118715


When I don't know what to do or where to go I think that maybe I could grab a book and go read somewhere comfy, like a park or a café. I tend to have issues thinking where can I go that can be free, since I don't have a lot of money.
I like being comfy in my house, but I wish really hard to interact with people, but the internet feels so dead lately.

Anonymous 118783


After a bad relationship months ago after I am really afraid to leave my house or interact with people other than gaming and have basically stayed to myself since covid. I started reading fiction alot but I'm getting delulu and I think I just need to touch grass and be myself again. THEN I realize thats how I got here…
I keep thinking I want a moid so he could pay for stuff but I honestly hate myself for how much I feel I need one and talking on Discord to them just makes me realize that even more.

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