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How do you deal with people liek this? Anonymous 115644

Has anyone experienced the kind of personality thats vague and one-sided? Like a family member or relation that seems like they're manipulating things in life to make you/sibling/ friend feel shitty or confused? Who you never get to really know because they only show a fraction of themselves? Even though you try hard to know them? Eventually it seems like they always get into gaslighting or mindgames like its necessary to their wellbing. If you call them out for bullshittery they'll profess to be the most genuine down to earth. Even if you're laid back and honest and just dngaf? Seriously help me understand, what are they so fixated on?

They will defend how real they are until their blue in the face if you call them out for obvious bullshit and carry on like nothing happend… And still consistently hide what they're thinking and real conversations. People like this just creep me the f out and i never know what to do with them.

What is their deal? I mean REALLY, what do these people want from you?

Anonymous 115660

They want your money and your god to be theirs.

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