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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 115968

I've been dating for three years. Today I was talking normally to my boyfriend on a phone call, and after 10 minutes of normal conversations he simply said he wanted to break up, with the justification that when we broke up two years ago, I acted like I was single. He talked about the parties and clubs I went to and the hoe friends I had at the time. I thought it was a joke, because it was literally two years ago, and during the period we broke up he partied a lot and went out with several girls he met on Tinder. But he wasn't kidding. It really seems to me that he just invented a reason to break up, as if he was cheating on me or was going to cheat on me. What should I think?

Anonymous 115969

>on and off relationship
Yeah . . . no.

Anonymous 115979

he cheated, if you have a hunch then its real

Anonymous 115981

Girl, it's really not for you. He's having enough decency to save you the trouble, time and effort of getting with a man that can't commit and can't self-reflect or hold himself accountable (as he showed you by blaming you for what you did during your breakup and not thinking that whatever he did was wrong), so take that opportunity to leave. He doesn't sound like he's an adult mentally, it's time to run.

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