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22 year old gloome…

Anonymous 115973

i'm seriously considering dropping out of university and moving back to my hometown. my first year in uni was the loneliest time of my life i didn't make a single friend or talk to anybody after the first week which ultimately led me to trying to hang myself last may and i'm scared it's going to happen again if i go back to uni at the end of this month. i've been doing better over the summer because i've been working as a cashier/dishwasher at a restaurant in my hometown and idk but here i actually feel like my existence matters. like the work that i do actually some kind of purpose and use to other people (taking people's orders and washing their dishes so they can eat). compared to this studying (especially my field which is meme humanities) feels so useless and meaningless. also there's a man at my work who is maybe 8-10 years older than me and i have a crush on him but that's not that relevant. and i don't feel so lonely here bc i see my co workers on a daily basis and most of them are nice to me. my job is ending in a week and then i'm supposed to go back to uni but i feel surprisingly sad/melancholic about it. i haven't been able to enjoy my hobbies for a week or so and when i get home from work i don't feel like doing anything i just lay in bed listening to music. i wish i could stay here. but idk if i'd regret dropping out in the future bc if i eventually do graduate and get a job in my field the pay would be better than the minimum wage i'm currently earning. and who knows things might get better in my 2nd year of uni if i start actively looking for friends or something. but i do feel surprisingly sad about leaving this job. i've also considered taking a gap year and re-thinking what i want to study bc i don't really care that much about my current major. just wanted to vent sorry for the messy post.

Anonymous 115976

What humanities? Are you stil taking your basics?
If you are still taking basics you can probably switch your major to something you could use in your hometown. I mean you only went for one year right? Trust me you can change it at this point. The basics you take are pretty similar across the board for most majors.

Stay in school until you can go back and actually get a job that you can live off of. Make the plan to get a job in your community since you actually like it there.

Anonymous 115978

Also get a psychiatrist, tell them you have depression are overwhelmed at school and consider taking zoloft. It takes the edge off of absolutely EVERYTHING. It got me through insane stalking. And seriously ask /specifically/ for zoloft and dont take no for an answer. (I have been to a lot of psychiatrists since i was a kid, and it is pretty easy to steer them towards what you want to try if you let them know how you have depression.)

Anonymous 115991

dont recommend drugs, also OP try to join a club or something similar, it could really help.

Anonymous 116229

I'm a wise old nona (39) who just finished her second degree. First was a meme degree in humanities, second was IT (still pretty meme).

Drop out. Don't get me wrong, I loved uni because I like studying, but fuck me what a waste of time and money. I hate working, because all I want to do is learn shit and be useless, and now I have to stick it out for enough years to work off my uni debt.

If you genuinely like working, and if gives you purpose, you're doing better than most. A degree like humanities isn't gonna do shit for you. Go get a job as an executive assistant or something, then later on figure out if you want a business degree to get a leg up. Or go manage a big box store in a rural place.

Arts is bullshit, there's nothing an arts degree will teach you that you can't teach yourself. You'll earn more money if you drop out now, you'll have instant purpose, and you won't have debt.

Also don't do a gap year, it's bullshit pedalled by social media and rich fuckers. Just work, and take the time to figure yourself out.

Also, if you're still struggling to make friends and you want advice on that, I've got a ton to say about that too, but this is already long enough.

You're doing alright though. The fact you like working and having purpose is huge, don't sell yourself short.

Anonymous 116234

Nona I have two useless degrees and am 27. And I had a mental breakdown my first year of work in an office. I actually had the breakdowns on the daily. Working so much sucks do you have any advice? I want to take a gap year even though I don’t plan on going back to school but I might go back to work. I am a loser who leeches off her fiancé and he doesn’t mind me staying at home if it means I can keep my sanity but I just feel like such a giant leech and I’m sure his parents would disapprove and try to kick me out of his life if they found out what a loser whiny crybaby I am, just staying home and not making any money or contributions.
There’s something wrong With me. But I am just exhausted from office politics and the inane chit chat you’re forced to make in offices

Anonymous 116239

>NTA you replied to.
Office politics is either for the ones who have no life in them and sustain on hate and negative energy or the sociopaths who make a quick career and are able to maneuver effortlessly in the shit flinging. You are in a good spot, tho, nona. You have a bf who provides for you. It's easier said than done I know but his parents rn give you office politics vibes which is draining. And it feels worse cuz you are not feeling not about yourself. You should try to find a job not for earning a living but for building yourself up first. Perhaps part time if this is a thing where you live. His parents will be bitching but this type of people will always find flaws even if conditions are perfect. So there is no reason to live up to their standards because it's futile. Nevertheless, not all office jobs are bad. There are some good places with good people out there.

Anonymous 116240

*cuz you are not feeling GOOD about yourself

Anonymous 116245

You had mental breakdowns because that's the correct response to a shitty situation. I'm in the same boat, I was having them daily for a bit there. Offices are soulless, horrible places that humans shouldn't be in. Not humans like us, anyway.
Here's my advice:
1) Stop beating yourself up for having a normal response to a shitty situation. Would you get angry at your skin for getting burnt if you held it over the stove? Please be kinder to yourself. There's a reason everyone complains about office work, it is absolute madness, and it sucks out your soul.
2) Like you, I also plan to let my partner support me at the end of three years (when he qualifies and gets into his line of work, which he genuinely loves). I've supported previous partners in the past, including him while he's studying right now, and now I feel like it's my turn. I strongly believe it takes two people to run a home, and one of you should be taking care of the home (especially if you end up having kids). This pathological need society has for everyone to be working is a cancer, and not good for us as humans. If your partner is on board, then go for it. It's a gamble if anything happens to him, or you break up, but ask yourself if you'd rather settle for the sure bet of hating every fucking day of being in the office.
3) My partner's parents also hate me. But oh well, I don't like them either, because of the awful shit they did to him. Learn to wear their disapproval with pride. Genuinely, part of it is probably jealousy that you make their son happier than they do.

Here's my bonus advice for surviving office shit:
* Stop trying so hard because you know you'll ultimately quit soon
* Pretend you're an alien or a spy observing all this shit from a distance and marvelling at how bizarre it all is (I know this sounds stupid, but it helps). Write stories or journal about it. For example, we have a 'living moss wall' which is actually dead but they dye it green to maintain the illusion.
* Find other people who hate the office life to vent to
* Make an actual list of things that you can do in a emotional emergency. Mine is to listen to my favourite songs, or go and find non-office places nearby, like old bookshops and shit.

There's NOTHING wrong with you, unless you count the fact that you're too smart to buy into this awful, awful life that we get into out of a sense of obligation to society.

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