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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 116107

How do you get by with male old bosses borderline harassing you?
I’m working at McDonald’s rn and male bosses just make me want to quit. I feel disgusting when I have to work and they’re there.
This one guy always tries to be alone with me, tries to greet me kissing my hand and touching my arms, always stares at me. The weirdo even made me kneel to the height of his crotch to pick something up and we wouldn’t move on purpose even yelling me to pick the thing up and still not moving

Its also of no help that I’m the only “petite asian teenager” while other workers are older women with families

Anonymous 116110

Does your job not have cameras? Report them. Also speak up for yourself. If they see you as an easy target they're just going to continue.

Anonymous 116111

Also ultimately this is a job at McDs. They're a diamond dozen and hire easily so feel free to leave at any time.

Anonymous 116121

its "dime a dozen" not "diamond dozen" lmao

Anonymous 116124

If you call the corporate hr department about this they’ll hopefully fuck him over.

Anonymous 116130

Well it's a doggy dog world out there. When it gets down to brass stacks does it even really matter?

Anonymous 116136


Report, also talk with the older ladies and tell them you don't feel safe around your boss, if you're afraid to say is directly your boss, just say "I'm afraid of men… something happened to me a while ago so I was wondering if you can be around me so I can feel safe" excuse.

Touch an old woman's heart once and they'll protect you.

Anonymous 116137

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