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anyone else struggling with being trans Anonymous 116168

ftm, im so scared of it and everyday i hope im just making it up, a part of me wants to just suck it up and live my life without transitioning but i feel miserable like this. i shouldve been a normal arab girl whyd i get stuck like this

Anonymous 116169

You should realize that transitioning was a reaction to your circumstances and environment and it shouldn't be seen as normal but merely a coping mechanism. Once you realize that and try to find the root of your problem, then you will free yourself of your shackles and find happiness

Anonymous 116170


Just don't transition, you only encourage social gender norms by transition, you can be a girl with masculine interests, you don't have to force yourself into a category. There's no chance for you to become a real boy within our current time, You have to accept yourself as you are - a female - or cope forever as a pseudo-male and enforce gender roles onto each sex.

Anonymous 116176

you want to be a moid, go to a moid website.

Anonymous 116178


Hello, arab nona here to offer some advice.

you can still be a normal arab girl. its not too late, but it would require deep introspection into the history of your way of life and why you were indoctrinated into becoming an ftm when it’s not something that would’ve crossed the minds of your unbroken chain of ancestors who got together and had children according to normal universal sex and gender that they were born with. in older days our female relatives would teach us how to “be women” but nowadays those roles have been minimised even in traditional arab households, and as a result we feel criticized and like less of women when we are held to the same standards of older femininity without having the same “training” so to speak. not to mention the constant bombardment with the fact of the east vs west culture war being fought over our choices and appearances by atheists and racists in the west and wahhabis and fanatics on the other side in the east. both in liberal and conservative sectors of arab society. the fanatics of western society wants us to be sluts and easy access hypersexual beings while the fanatics of eastern society don’t want us to have a face in public and it really feels overwhelming. arab and muslim women cant catch a break and it makes us feel confused and hurt and wanting to escape from all of the controversy over our identities.

not saying you chose to become this way but something about what you were exposed to during the course of your life made you this way and it’s your job to find out what it is and expose the ideology that it tricked into your brain.

being a woman is not disgusting or bad and its not bad to not fit in with a feminine ideal and it doesnt make you into a man. just because you think you fail at being a girl doesnt make you into a boy. Just because someone is bad at playing soccer it doesn’t make them a pro swimmer. They just need work and grow themselves in their respective sport.

If you don’t listen to anything else I say heed this warning. Being a failed woman won’t make you into a real man. if you suck at being a woman then you need to just work on being better at it. This is how some men who identify as trans women get indoctrinated, they think just because they didn’t succeed at living as a man they will automatically be a great woman and they are surprised when no one takes them to seriously be a woman.

Take a growth approach with a healthier mindset towards your femininity and try to improve it iteratively. Transitioning to male is impossible and much harder and taxing than simply impoving yourself as a woman. Self improvement seems like a moid thing because of the toxic self improvment shit you see online but women can benefit from self improvement too. Even if you don’t think you can fit the ideal, it doesnt matter because you don’t need everyone to fall for you, all you need in life is one person to love you. Also one thing that helps me be more comfortable in my own skin is knowing that death is an inavoidable truth and that I want to live my life grateful for the functional body i was given and at least get good use out of it rather than trying to mutilate it into something rhat its not and will never be.

الله يسلمك نونة !!!! (god bless nona!)

Anonymous 116179


I should also add, being a woman has nothing to do with your interests and hobbies. If you feel masculine because of that it’s because of brainworms that needed to be sorted out by speaking or communicating them out to someone in some way. It also helps to find other women with the same interests as well.

Transition is not an out, it is simply going further deeper into the swamp that made you like this.

Even if you are able to make people think you are a man, good luck ever finding a romantic partner because you only decreased the chances of that happening with transitioning.

Anonymous 116181

NTA, but I was a TIF for years before finally realizing what had indoctrinated me and detransing. Having someone tell me something like this would have saved me years of invasive surgery and wanting to kill myself. You're awesome.

Also, >>116168 : transitioning is not going to fix your problems, trust me. I had hormone blockers, T, top surgery, and a hysterectomy, and it only made me more and more depressed, I even had to be hospitalized. The mutilations would make me feel better for a few weeks or even months, because I wanted to be a man so bad, and thought it was making me closer to one. But it wasn't. You cannot become a man.

Once I finally stopped the hormones and let my natural estrogen take over, I became so much happier and healthier. I feel so much joy whenever someone refers to me as a female, because that's what I am. That's what you are. Accept it before it's too late.

Because even though I'm doing so much better now, I will need multiple surgeries to fix my flat chest and deep voice, and it's impossible for me to ever have kids. :/

Anonymous 116182

Are you stuck in the middle east? Genuinely curious. Where are you?

Anonymous 116186

what do you mean “stuck” lol. Some of us can’t immigrate because we wouldn’t survive the immigration process to the west. Not every Middle Eastern country is like Syria where we have to leave to survive.

And besides if the options are go to Europe where Arabs are cordoned off and perpetually treated as outsiders or America where I have to wait until I’m old and gray for a visa then
I’m good staying in the middle east with my family lmfao.

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