Is love even worth pursuing in this day and age? Anonymous 116204
I've never been in a relationship, so my perception of reality might not be accurate, but everything I see and hear about the woman experience of being in a relationship is how you're most likely gonna be treated like shit or an object or both.
>inb4 not all moids
Yeah I know that very well, I'm lucky to have guys in my life to have proven that, at least friendship-wise. But everywhere else I look either online or irl, every hetero relationship just outright sucks one way or another. I'm not even looking for a stereotypically attractive guy or 6 figure salary, my only turn offs are obesity and walking skeletons, I'm even lucky to find the average guy to be somewhat attractive. Yet it feels as if it doesn't matter because said average guys don't even want to cuddle anymore and just laugh at you for suggesting as much. Doesn't even feel worth it to look for a guy that does the bare minimum, isn't a manchild and doesn't treat me like shit because it looks like it's as rare and lucky as winning the jackpot. It doesn't look worth it to go through all the emotional pain or stress of jumping through unsuccessful relationships just to find someone that's not a subhuman, because I might not be lucky enough to experience it. I'm jealous of all the women that were able to find genuinely nice and decent guys.
Anonymous 116205
romance is, unsurprisingly, romanticized you arent missing out on much. then again i could be a massive retard so who knows
Anonymous 116208
> I'm lucky to have guys in my life to have proven that, at least friendship-wise
Well you should give them a chance then. Obviously not every guy that's your friend wants to just be friends.
Anonymous 116212
I have been in relationships and in each and everyone i lost my freedom. I am perpetually single and loving it. Trust me op all you're missing out on is work. Work and being constantly kind of talked down to and treated low-key like an idiot. I mean it was fun at times, but it was mostly just work. I never once got with an ugly guy even. But now with porn and everything, and after i got stalked by filthwads i see the world completely differently. Whatever i did to seriously insult moids into stalking me in the past im glad i did it. It was a rare treat women only get to experience once in a blue moon.
Anonymous 116213
The question we women should ask ourselves is not "is it worth pursuing love?" but "what can I tolerate and not tolerate? What do I want? Is the approval of a man worth more than the approval I can build for myself?". I have hated myself for many years, I always consider myself unworthy of love, ugly, boring and indecent. Hating myself so much I ended up bonding with men who confirmed this view of me, and for two years I had an abusive relationship. I was able to get out of it because I was tired and I did a psychotherapy path, I started embracing feminism as an instrument of emancipation, I have connected with other sisters and I have acquired security and for a period I was alone without looking for anyone and I had a great time. I needed no one to fill my insecurities. Then I met my current boyfriend, I didn’t trust him after all my experiences…and instead it’s my first healthy relationship of life, with a kind, healthy, romantic, human, feminist and respectful guy. There are men like that. But the more you hate yourself, the more unconsciously you will look for people who can confirm your low self-esteem. I’m not saying it’s your fault that men treat you like crap, but rather focus on building a relationship with yourself first. Decentralizing men from life. Their approval should not be the center of our existence.
Anonymous 116218
>>116213but then you have to sort through the shit ones and there are too many shit ones. in that capacity you feel like you're doing more work, and being more udnerstanding, tolerant, noncondescending than they ever are. They aren't even self-aware enough to NOTICE they are. The worst thing is they're quite ugly. I cannot stand being treated like a lowkey idiot in the midst of all that. And by someone who just drinks up EVERTYTHING in existence like everythings set up for him, constantly makes you feel like you're less than in little ways. I'm a grown woman now and i still feel this way about dating. They dont even know how fucking annoying the are to be around. Being in relationships are hellish i can only imagine living with a moid though. Thank christ i never got around to that.
You make it sound like there is anything to want. Like they aren't the most irritating unholy affliction. I don't know how you even manage to do that to be honest
Anonymous 116219
>>116213>Then I met my current boyfriend>kind, healthy, romantic, human, feminist and respectful guyOk but how tall is he though?
Anonymous 116220
>>116219I’m very sorry you feel that way. I know men can be real shit, I’ve been raped several times, but at the same time I don’t want to spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself and crying because "they suck". In fact, I became very angry. They suck and that’s why I can’t accept a world like this, I participate in social battles, do not treat with love who harasses and abuses, help other women in anti-violence centers, participate in demonstrations, read books, deconstruct myself. I don't give a fuck if they don't,when you frequent places of social emancipation you also meet men who perceive the same feelings as you. Self-pity is useless.
Anonymous 116221
>>116204Relationships are not this grand thing. There will probably be a honeymoon period, but after that it's just having someone you can stand taking up the same space. I guess it's nice knowing you're not alone at least.
Anonymous 116237
> you're most likely gonna be treated like shit or an object or both.
A shoject?
Anonymous 116347
>>116204>average guys don't even want to cuddle anymore and just laugh at you for suggesting as muchthey what? this is so oddly specific and strange. who told you this?
Anonymous 116471
>>116347right? I don't really believe in mens' ability to love but that is out of touch with reality. Most men are desperate for physical non-sexual touch.