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He wants me to learn his language Anonymous 116231

I met a great guy from Germany over social media. He goes to cosplay conventions once a year and posts pictures of it on Instagram, which is how I discovered him. Most of the time he is posting other stuff like going hiking with his friends, travel videos, food vlogs, etc. He is also on discord and sometimes streams for his friends there. I became active on his discord and his other social media and we soon became friends. When he visited the USA he wanted to meet some of his American friends and also invited me to come. It took some convincing from him, because the thought of being the only girl among a male-only group of strangers really spiked my anxiety, but he convinced me. Many of his friends or followers only came for the convention he was going to, but he was going to be in the USA for an entire week. I stayed with him during his entire time here and we got some moments to ourselves and basically went on dates together. He is very dreamy and he said he likes me, but he said he would only consider a long-term relationship with me, if I learn to speak German well. Do you think that's an unusual request? Have you ever dated a foreigner from outside the USA, who asked you to learn their language? Also what is the best way to learn a language and especially get the pronunciation right as well?

Anonymous 116232

Thats pretty normal.
I have several family members who learned foreign languages to be with their loved ones.

Anonymous 116233

I recommend German for Reading by Karl C Sandberg

Anonymous 116235

Is not an unusual request.
If he says that means that he wants you to come to live with him.

If i were to take someone to my country and they don't speak the language it'd be kinda annoying, since you won't have liberty at all (Only in Berlin or Frankfurt is more common finding people that speaks proper English, if he comes from a town or a small city the people there usually don't know, towns usually got older people so of course they won't know).

And if you live with him that means he expects you to work too (unless he wants you be tradwife).

For work you need a B2-C1 (B1 for jobs like a supermarket and stuff).
For marriage you need an A1 certificate (is not hard at all, if you come from USA the pronunciation for you will be easier than you think!)

I'd recommend going to a school for certificates, is easier to learn that way too.
Unless you manage to learn without spending money at all that'd be great, but the certificates are a need for everything even more in Germany, those nerds love the damn certificates for everything, fucking squareheads.

Anonymous 116236

Wtf, this sounds like a horrible basis for a "relationship".
The two of you aren't equals, he's a (smalltime) celebrity and you're just one of his fans. Worse, you're one of his groupies. He used you for cheap place to stay and warm body to bang while he was visiting a foreign country. You honestly think he hasn't probably done this to girls in all kinds of other countries before?

He didn't even actually say he wanted to date you, just that he would only have a serious relationship with a girl that spoke German. Can't believe all the replies so far to this thread are just nonas going "uwu wow he basically proposed to you here's exactly how you can start learning his language and getting prepared to marry him and move to Germany and spend the rest of your life together". He probably only mentioned the part about learning German to dissuade you from thinking you had any kind of actual shot with him because he figured you'd never go through that much effort.

Anonymous 116346

I'm gonna be blunt with you since I'm German. is the fact that as his gf you would likely end up in his videos part of the motivation to be with him? be honest. if the answer is yes or even maybe, that's a huge red flag. no relationship can be built on clout chasing. the thrill of becoming part of his "e-celeb life" would only last a few months at most and then what? you're stuck in germany with no social circle if you break up?
I'm probing in this direction because of how much you said about his JOB and how little you described him as a person. dreamy? so he's handsome. do you know anything about his personality?

>For marriage you need an A1 certificate
lots of german guys have wives who don't speak a word of german. off the top of my head I can think of two women from the philipines and one from france who to this day barely speak the language (to varying degrees). they definitely didn't have the ability to pass any kind of certificate when they entered the country, no shot. this requirement can't be real.

I don't believe the german thing is a serious requirement. neither from him nor from anyone else. OP could easily get away with just telling him she is trying to learn german and making some attempts and that would be enough. the language thing really should not be the obstacle here.

Anonymous 116388

Realistically if you end up in a serious relation, there's a good chance you'd be the one to move to Germany because between your two countries, his has the higher living standards. You'll want to speak German if that happens.

Anyway wouldn't you want to be able to speak with his friends and family in German? Or did you immediately assume that he and everyone else around him always burden themselves with speaking English to you because they conveniently happen to speak your language relatively well?

Anonymous 116392

I think it's a pretty normal step if you're taking your relationship to a more serious place. Language is one of those things that's a major problem for healthy relationships, and two people only being mutually intelligible one way can cause feelings of not being understood or inadequancy, depending on who understands what. My English was already passable when we met, but when my boyfriend would talk about certain topics, I was completely lost and he couldn't understand a word from me in moments when I forgot English or things my friends/family would say. We knew we wanted to start a family one day, which meant we had to REALLY get to know each other, instead of just our best guess based on our understanding of each other. We started teaching each other our languages every day and correcting each other to teach the little things that most language services don't really cover. Once he was at the level of a school child, we started writing each other short essays, which we'd edit and improve on. I'd send him something about politics and he'd add words/concepts for me to learn, while he'd write about what he did that day and what he planned to do tomorrow, so that I could make his grammar sound more natural. In the end the relationship didn't work out (it might work out very soon though) and moving to be with him was the obvious choice, so it wasn't really necessary, but being able to talk to his family at a higher level made them more comfortable with me and him being able to have an actual conversation with mine eliminated a lot of uncertainty and hesitant feelings. I still had to message him and ask for the term "mutually intelligible", but you get the idea.

Anonymous 116531

Thanks. I am good with languages. My goal right now is to study for a C1 certificate, so I can get a job in Germany and I am not reliant on marriage or just winging it.

I can understand that you think it might be sus, but you only read a short summary of what happened. He was respectful and honest with me. We both greed a long-distance relationship would suck, because we both have experience with it and we didn't want to do that again. He is going to visit America again before December and we are going to see what happens then. Until then we both are just going to live our lives like before.

No, he isn't that kind of e-celeb. He isn't known on youtube or twitch, just on instagram and he mostly uses it to connect with other people, who share his hobby, not to make a living.

>I'm probing in this direction because of how much you said about his JOB and how little you described him as a person. dreamy? so he's handsome. do you know anything about his personality?

He's honest and respectful. He is well-spoken. He reads a lot of literature. He likes art. We went to a museum together and he was very passionate about certain artists, some of whom he also didn't like. In fact he ranted about Picasso. lol
He has an interesting way of looking at the world. He is generally serious and introverted, but he can also tell funny jokes.

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